ENCATC Congress 2024

Culture that matters: Interdisciplinary Approaches for Sustainable Futures 18-20 September 2024, Lecce, Italy

Empowering researchers and educators in cultural management and policy

The Education and Research Session (E&RS) is a key component of the 2024 ENCATC Congress. The E&RS remains the leading global forum for showcasing and discussing the forefront of research in the field of cultural policy and management. Over the past decade, this international stage has facilitated hundreds of researchers and educators globally in disseminating their work and receiving constructive feedback from their peers. 

The 2024 edition of the ENCATC Education and Research Session will be dedicated to the work of professor Fabio Donato, in recognition of his commitment and affection in promoting research within ENCATC.

This year's edition will contribute to the development of the cultural management and policy field under the thought-provoking theme: "Culture for the Planet: Issues and challenges for research and education in the cultural management and policy field”.

Contributions received are related, but not limited to the following tracks:

  1. Towards a Sustainable Economy
  2. Climate Change, Sustainability, and Risk Management 
  3. Social Inequalities and Cultural Engagement
  4. Inter- and Trans-disciplinary Innovation
  5. Accounting for change

Discover the programme

Please note that this programme is subject to changes.

Part 1.1 - Wednesday, 18 September 2024 (14.45 – 16:00)

Session 1: Towards a Sustainable Economy (I)
Sala Conferenze 
Chair: Gianluca Quarta, University of Salento, Italy 
Abstract. Festivals in transition(s): instrumental growth, widening dilemmas
Emmanuel Négrier, Senior Research Fellow CEPEL, CNRS & University of Montpellier, France           
Abstract. Socio-Cultural Centres as Catalysts for Just Sustainability Transitions: Insights from European Case Studies
Anna Maria  Ranczakowska, Researcher, ENCC, Belgium     
Abstract. Cultural factors supporting the design and development of PEDs – Positive Energy Districts: a comparative analysis of case studies in Italy, Turkey and Sweden
Elena Borin, Full Professor in Business Administration, Pegaso Digital University, Italy


Session 2: Art, Cultural Heritage, and National Identity: Preservation and Modern Relevance
Room 157
  Chair: Constance DeVereaux, Director of the Arts Management Programme, University at Buffalo, USA
Abstract. Memory of the Sieve: Art and Cultural Heritage
M. Feride Celik, Independent Researcher
Abstract. Preserving the Past for a Sustainable Future: The Consumption of “Ordinary” antiques
Federica Aramu, Phd candidate, Université libre de Bruxelles
Abstract. The Role of Classical Music as an Instrument of National Identity Actualization in the Russian Federation; The Case of Concert Programming in the Saint Petersburg State Philharmonic
Kara Koskinen, Masters degree student in Arts Management, University of Arts Helsinki

Session 3: Sustainable Cultural Policies and Productions: Case Studies and Impacts
Room 154
Chair: Annukka Jyrämä, Professor, Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre, Estonia
Abstract. Reflection on the Sustainability of Festivalization of Cultural Policy
Chieh-Hsiang Wu, Professor, National Changhua University of Education, Taiwan
Abstract. Approaching sustainability in cultural productions: case study from Oulu2026
Mervi Luonila, Senior Researcher, Centre for Cultural Policy Research Cupore
Abstract. The Cultural Impact of Theater as a Public Sphere: A Case study of Umay Theater in Huashan 1914 Creative Park
Stella Chiashan Cheng, Assistant Professor, Aletheia University

Session 4: Inter- and Trans-disciplinary Innovation (I)
Room 153
Chair: Stefano De Rubertis, University of Salento, Italy
Abstract. The impact of universities on the production and management systems of local museums 
Nicola Urbino, Phd Candidate, University Vanvitelli
Abstract. Ultra low-latency streaming technology in music education 
Daniela Peclová, Ph.D. candidate in Music Production, Marketing & PR manager, Janáček Academy of Performing Arts, Faculty of Music
Abstract. Constructing a Trans-disciplinary Model: A Pilot Study of Artist Residency's Cultural Ecosystem in Taiwan 
Tzu-Han Chien, Graduate Student, Graduate School of Arts Management and Cultural Policy, National Taiwan University of Arts

Session 5: Social Inequalities and Cultural Engagement (I)
Room 152
Chair: Tiffany Bourgeois, Assistant Professor, The Ohio State University, USA
Abstract. The Agency of Access: A Model for Disability Inclusion in Cultural Policy & Participation
Amanda Cachia, Assistant Professor & Arts Leadership, University of Houston
Abstract. MUS.E. MUSeums for Emotions
Nadia Cipullo, Tenure Track Researcher in Business Administration, Università degli Studi Link (Rome)
Enzo Grossi, Scientific Director, Villa Santa Maria Foundation
Abstract. Managing cultural institutions in Poland in the light of the recent migratory influx
Piotr Firych, Assistant Professor, Adam Mickiewicz University
Aleksandra Kosior, Assistant Professor, Adam Mickiewicz University

Session 6: Climate Change, Sustainability, and Risk Management (I)
Room 164
Chair: Douglas DeNatale, Associate Professor of the Practice, Programme Director, Boston University, USA
Abstract. Exploring the Impact of Financial Support Tools, Digital Technology, and DEI Policies on the Sustainable Development of SMPAOS: A Case Study of YPAA
Shu-Mei Chen, Researcher and Cultural Manager, Department of Cultural Industry and Policy Yuan Ze University
Abstract. Risk management method in non-profit cultural projects
Alicja Krawczyńska, PDH Student/ Assistant, Wroclaw University of Science and Technology


Session 7: Climate Change, Sustainability, and Risk Management (II)
Room 147
Chair: Toni-Matti Karjalainen, Professor, University of the Arts Helsinki, Finland
Abstract. Far Enough? The Sustainability Challenges in Developing Music Export Policies in Europe
Michaël Spanu, Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Manchester
Abstract. Ecological Sustainability in Theatre Companies – An Interpretation from Neo-Institutionalist Theory
Julia Glesner, Professor, Potsdam University of Applied Sciences
Abstract. Considering the evolution of performing arts venues through the prism of the cultural third place model
Sarah Montero, Associate professor in Social Geography, Université Bordeaux Montaigne
Aurélie Chêne, Associate Professor in Information Sciences, Université de Lyon-St Etienne

Part 1.2 - Wednesday, 18 September 2024 (16:15 – 17:30)

Session 8: Inter- and Trans-disciplinary Innovation (III)
Room 164
Chair: Matina Magkou, Associated Researcher, University Côte d'Azur
Abstract. Heritage as a Sustainable, Co-Innovative, and Collaborative Space: Exploring the Heritage Values of Huashan Creative Park
Hui-Yu Hsieh, Master’s Student, Graduate School of Arts Management and Cultural Policy, National Taiwan University of Arts
Abstract. Participatory action research as a bottom-up method in cultural management
Nina Mihaljinac, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Dramatic Arts Belgrade
Milan Djordjevic, Visual artist and PhD candidate in Culture and Media Management Studies, University of Arts Belgrade
Abstract. Small but Mighty: Selected Business Model Practices of Small European Festivals in Peripheral Areas
Antonia Silvaggi, Head of Skills for culture, Melting Pro

Session 9: Social Inequalities and Cultural Engagement (II)
Room 154
Chair: Herman Bashiron Mendolicchio, Coordinator of the Postgraduate Course on International Cultural Cooperation; CHARTER Project Manager, University of Barcelona, Spain 
Teaching Demo. Digital stories - individual meaning-making for heritage tourism
Hyung Yu Park, Associate Professor, Middlesex University
Teaching Demo. Co-creating Cultural Encounter
Geert Drion, Researcher, Rijksuniverstiteit Groningen 
Teaching Demo. Sustainable practices – Why and how: is there a “creative” approach to sustainability in the creative sector – or Mission (im)possible
Milena Stefanovic, Assistant professor, Faculty of Dramatic Arts, University of Arts, Belgrade  

Session 10: Social Inequalities and Cultural Engagement (III)
Room 153
Chair: Wu Chieh-Hsiang, President of the Taiwan Association of Cultural Policy Studies (TACPS)
Abstract. The Contribution of Cultural Centers to Accessible Societies: A Mixed-Method Trail Tracing of a Vague Concept
Dorothee Schulte-Basta, Doctoral Researcher, Åbo Akademi University, Vaasa
Abstract. Civil Culture Forum in a rural community: Teaching and Practice of Cultural Policy
Shu-Shiun Ku, Associate Professor, Department of Cultural and Creative Industries, National Pingtung University
Abstract. Taking up the digital transition challenge: enhancing the skills of the cultural heritage professionals
Marzia Piccininno, Cultural Policy Expert, Fondazione Scuola dei beni e delle attività culturali
Martina da Luca, Head of Training, Fondazione Scuola dei beni e delle attività culturali

Session 11: Inter- and Trans-disciplinary Innovation (IV)
Room 147
Chair: Piotr Firych, Assistant Professor, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poland
Abstract. The intersection of cultural policy and corporate sustainability: a Preliminary investigation on Taiwan Sustainability Awards assessment
Hsiang Chun Wang, PhD Student, National Taiwan University of Arts
Abstract. Co-creating Engaging Learning Experiences Online: Utopia or Real Possibility for Arts Management?
Kristina Kuznetsova-Bogdanovitsh, Researcher, University of Tartu Viljan 
Jorma Sarva, Lecturer & Head of Programme, University of Tartu Viljandi Culture Academy
Abstract. Interdisciplinary approaches to social and cultural Innovation
Valeria Bruzzi, Researcher Fellow, Ca' Foscari University of Venice

Session 12: Social Inequalities and Cultural Engagement (IV)
Sala Conferenze
Chair: Elena Borin, Full Professor in Business Administration, Pegaso Digital University, Italy
Abstract. Common, shared, contradictory heritage? The concept of (global) heritage and its dimensions. With a brief analysis of the Humboldt Forum, Berlin
Christiane Dätsch, Professor, University of Applied Sciences Merseburg
Abstract. How Cultural Policy can enrich, embrace,  and elevate issues of our planet by empowering the pluri-diversity of peoples
Xenia Hanusiak, Cultural Attache & Visiting Scholar, Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs  | Columbia University | Australian National University
Abstract. How do artists contribute to urban and cultural sustainability? Taking care of urban green areas as a creative and sustainable practice
Matilde Ferrero, PhD Student, Magna Graecia University
Michele Trimarchi, Professor, Magna Graecia University

Session 13: Inter- and Trans-disciplinary Innovation (V)
Room 152
Chair: Richard Maloney, Clinical Associate Professor of Performing Arts Administration, New York University, USA
Abstract. From the stage to the audience: the management of interactive performances and the new classical concert experience
Oana Balan-Budoiu, Assoc.Prof.Dr., The National Academy of Music in Cluj-Napoca
Abstract. Mapping Worlds of Innovation in the Performing Arts
Leticia Labaronne, Professor for Arts Management, ZHAW Zurich University of Applied Sciences
Abstract. Unlocking Cultural Networks in Historic Urban Neighbourhoods: Exploring the Revitalization Efforts in Rome’s Celio District 
Maria Antonietta Cipriano, PhD Student, Roma Tre University

Session 14: Inter- and Trans-disciplinary Innovation (VI)
Room 157
Chair: Ruby Yu, Visiting Assitant Professor, New York University, USA
Abstract. Innovation in Arts Strategy for Regional Rehabilitation
Yeala Hazut Yanuka, Lecturer at the Graduate program, Cultural Studies, Creativity and Production department, Sapir Academic College
Shira Lapidot, Director of the Graduate program, Cultural Studies, Creativity and Production department, Sapir Academic College
Abstract. Transformative Learning Approaches for Sustainable Development in Higher Education
Ljiljana Rogač Mijatović, Associate Professor, Faculty of Dramatic Arts, University of Arts in Belgrade
Abstract. Community media – important pillar of progressive deliberation in the field of culture   
Virdzinija Djekovic Miketic, Junior Research Assistant & PhD candidate, Institute for Philosophy and Social Theory, Belgrade

Part 2 - Thursday, 19 September 2024 (10:15 – 12.45)

Session 15: Accounting for change
Sala Conferenze
Chair: Jerry C Y Liu, Professor and Dean, Graduate School of Arts Management and Cultural Policy, College of Humanities, National Taiwan University of Arts
Abstract. Accounting for Cultural Values and Impacts of the Cultural and Creative Parks in Taiwan
Jerry C Y Liu, Professor and Dean, Graduate School of Arts Management and Cultural Policy, College of Humanities, National Taiwan University of Arts
Abstract. Towards aligned standards for reporting sustainability in the cultural and creative sector
Valentina Cillo, Full Professor of Economics and Business Management, Pegaso Digital University
Elena Borin, Full Professor of Business Administration, Pegaso Digital University
Monica Maria Elena Fait, Full Professor of Business Management at the Faculty of Economics and Law, Pegaso Digital University
Martina Manzo, PhD student in Governance and Management, University of Roma Tre
Abstract. Innovation for change in Italian Theatres. Marketing and sustainability accounting in the post-pandemic
Angela Besana, Associate Professor of Economics, IULM
Abstract. Gendered governance and financial reporting quality of museum foundations: Evidence from Norway.
Christophe Van Linden, Associate Professor, Oslo Metropolitan University
Abstract. In Search of Equity: Instruments of Equity Within Finnish Cultural Policy and Funding
Laura Valoma, Master's Student, University of the Arts Helsinki, Sibelius Academy


Session 16: Towards a Sustainable Economy (II)
Room 164
Chair: Ana Zuvela, Research Associate, Institute for Development and International Relations, Croatia
Abstract. It never rains but it pours? 1993–2023: Thirty years of management innovation in the Italian Heritage System
Mara Cerquetti, Associate professor in Management, University of Macerata
Abstract. Post-pandemic career outcomes among arts organization staff members
Douglas DeNatale, Associate Professor of the Practice/Program Director, Boston University
Abstract. Co-creation and co-production – bridging gaps of cultural inequalities through engagement. A managerial perspective
Annukka Jyrämä, Professor, Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre (EAMT)
Mervi Luonila, Senior Researcher, Center for Cultural Policy Research, CUPORE
Abstract. Status of the Artist legislation in the Czech Republic
Markéta Štěpáníková, Associate Professor, Music Faculty, Janáček Academy of Music and Performing Arts
Abstract. A Preliminary Study of Sustainability Indicator Framework: Cultural ESG/SDGs for Taiwan Creative Industry Development Company
Peiyu Lee, Master’s Student, The Graduate School of Arts Management and Cultural Policy (AMCP) at the National Taiwan University of Arts.

Session 17: Climate Change, Sustainability, and Risk Management (III)
Room 147
Chair: Annick Schramme, Professor, University of Antwerp, Belgium
Abstract. Preliminary Evaluation Framework for Artist-in-Residence Programs in Taiwan—A Case Study of Treasure Hill International Artist Village
Man-Chun Chen, Master's student at the Institute of Arts Management and Cultural Policy/Project Manager, National Taiwan National University of Arts/Treasure Hill International Artist Village
Abstract. Eco-performing of the uncertain future: challenges and perspectives
Jovana Karaulic, PhD, Assistant professor / Vice Dean FDA, Faculty of Dramatic Arts of Serbia
Ksenija Markovic Bozovic, Research Associate, FDA
Abstract. Meta-organizations and environmental sustainability: the case of European cultural networks
Matina Magkou, Associated Researcher, University Côte d'Azur
Abstract. The role of images in cultural organizations’ non-financial reports
Diana Martello, PhD Student, Scuola IMT Alti Studi Lucca 

Session 18: Social Inequalities and Cultural Engagement (V)
Room 154
Chair: Cristina Ortega Nuere, Director, 3Walks
Abstract. Cultural Policy as a Tool to Increase and Understand Diversity in the Fields of Arts and Culture
Lilja Lehmuskallio, Doctoral Researcher in Arts Management, Sibelius Academy, University of the Arts Helsinki
Abstract. Artists’ collaborative practices: operating through solidarity on Southern peripheries (20 years)
Milena Dragićević Šešić, Professor Emerita, University of Arts Belgrade
Abstract. Paris 2024 Olympics: Inclusive Cultural Policies and Intangible Outcomes 
Tiffany Bourgeois, Assistant Professor, Ohio State University
Abstract. Arts Justice in the Urban Landscape: A Multidimensional Approach
Tal Feder, Post-doctoral Researcher, The Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning, the Technion
Abstract. Integrating Cultural Democracy: A Study of the Social Impact Commitment of Cultural Organisations
Flora Maravalhas, Phd Candidate, Centre for Public Administration and Public Policies, Institute of Social and Political Sciences (CAPP-ISCSP), University of Lisbon & Centre for Research and Studies in Sociology (CIES-Iscte)

Session 19: Social Inequalities and Cultural Engagement (VI) 
Room 153
Chair: Christine Sinapi, Director of Academic Programmes at ESSCA School of Management, France
Abstract. The Place of Women in the Theatres of São Paulo
João Oswaldo Leiva Filho, Doctor of Philosophy, Goldsmiths University of London
Abstract. Art Museums as Change Agents? Addressing Social Inequalities in Post-Industrial US Cities
Miriam Paeslack, Associate Professor, University at Buffalo
Abstract. Art Makes You: Developing a model for cultural engagement in partnership with young people
Oisín Kenny, Apollo Fellow, National Gallery of Ireland
 Abstract. Increase the social sustainability of museums through co-planning with people with disabilities: from accessibility referent to inclusive management
Amelia Napolitano, Phd Student, University of Padua


Session 20: Interactive Teaching Methods in Arts Management: Games, Dilemmas, and Climate Strategies
Room 152 
Chair: Jaime Ruiz Gutiérrez, Professor, Universidad de los Andes, Colombia
Teaching Demo. Dynamics and board games to promote reflection produced by students
Lluis Bonet, Prof. Dr., University of Barcelona
Teaching Demo. Learning through fictional dilemmas: towards eco-ethical arts management
Vânia Rodrigues, Principal Researcher and Professor, Centre for Interdisciplinary Studies and Faculty of Arts and Humanities, University of Coimbra
Teaching Demo. Approaches and Strategies for Arts Organizations to Respond to Climate Change
Ruby Yu, Visiting Assistant Professor, New York University
Teaching Demo. Making the Familiar Strange: Using zines as a reflective data generation tool in research exploring arts management education
Caitlin McKinnon, PhD Candidate, Queen Margaret University and the University of Stirling

Session 21: PANEL/Academic Interventions: Innovation and Change in the Cultural Management Field
Room 157 
Constance DeVereaux, Director and Associate Professor, Arts Management, The University at Buffalo
Julia Glesner, Professor, Potsdam University of Applied Sciences
Piotr Firych, Assistant Professor, Adam Mickiewicz University (AMU)

Opportunities for researchers and educators

  • For abstracts and panel proposals: All full papers submitted as per the deadline stated in the call may be published in the Congress e-book of proceedings. One of them will be selected for the Best Research Paper Research Award, which includes the publication of the paper in the European Journal of Cultural Management and Policy (EJCMP) now published in full Open Access (OA) by leading publisher Frontiers, with fully waived Article Processing Charges (APCs). Any other papers presented at the Education and Research Session may also be considered for publication in the EJCMP, and a special issue of the journal on the topic of the Congress will be organised.
  • For teaching demonstrations: Works presented in the format of teaching demonstration can be published as contributions to the ENCATC Scholars.