ENCATC Congress 2024

Culture that matters: Interdisciplinary Approaches for Sustainable Futures 18-20 September 2024, Lecce, Italy

Cultural management in action: Explore Lecce's cultural ecosystem

The 2024 Study Visits will allow you to unite the theoretical teachings of the Congress with practical examples and best practices at the local level. This year, we will delve into the vibrant cultural scene of Lecce, learning firsthand from cultural actors who manage leading cultural institutions in the city.

This year, a curated selection of sites, including museums, archives and theatres, will inspire us, enhance our knowledge, and provide us with practical insights on historical preservation, innovative use of spaces, educational outreach, multimedia and digital integration, and international collaboration, among other aspects.


Founded in 1985 in Puglia and based in Lecce since 1998, Teatro Koreja is a renowned Theatre Production Center known for its artisanal and experimental approach. This innovative company blends Southern Italy's cultural roots with an international perspective, creating trans-cultural theater focused on the human experience. Since 2002, it has hosted "Il Teatro dei Luoghi" (The Theater of Places), an international festival spotlighting diverse productions from the Mediterranean and Balkans, fostering a rich exchange of artistic and cultural ideas.


These archives are invaluable for theatre and cultural studies, offering deep insights into 20th-century avant-garde theater. Bene's archive includes scripts, recordings, and personal documents from his career as an innovative Italian actor and director, while Barba's archive features materials related to his work with Odin Teatret and his contributions to experimental theater. At the Bernardini Library in Lecce, the LAFLIS Project (Living Archive Floating Islands), a collaboration between the Barba Varley Foundation and the Puglia Region, focuses on memory, transmission, and transformation, using digital technologies to create immersive experiences and connecting international theatre networks.


Showcasing Renaissance military architecture with a quadrilateral plan, circular corner bastions, moats, drawbridges, and high defensive walls, the Castle now serves as a vibrant cultural centre for hosting exhibitions and events, with part of it housing a museum. This major cultural attraction symbolises Lecce's strategic importance during the Renaissance and its connection to European history, having undergone several restorations to preserve its historical significance.


Housed in the 16th-century former Santa Chiara monastery, MUST presents archaeological finds, artworks, and historical objects that chronicle Lecce's evolution from prehistory to the present. Spread over three floors, the museum highlights the Baroque period and employs multimedia technologies to enhance the visitor experience, serving as a vital cultural center for preserving local history.