ENCATC Congress 2023

Artificial Intelligence Embraced: the future of the cultural and creative sector 11-13 October 2023, Helsinki, Finland

ENCATC environmental commitments

Since 2011, ENCATC has set the goal to be an environmentally responsible organisation. For this scope, we work hard to reduce the environmental impact of our activities and we are dedicated to understanding, measuring, improving and communicating our environmental performances and engaging with our members and followers in this process.

ENCATC is currently going through an eco-labelling process designed by and for cultural networks, a certification scheme based on the eco-guidelines initiated by the SHIFT network.  To know more information about our green commitments, please visit our Green Policy!


At ENCATC we encourage travels that minimize carbon footprint. There is no genius solution for a sustainable and slow travel but please consider alternatives whenever possible. In case you travel to Finland by car you might want to connect with other ENCATC members attending the 2023 Congress from your vicinity for a potential carpool. In case of flying, consider a direct connection (if available), which has a lower carbon emission than a flight with a change-over. Walking, cycling, or public transportation should be used for travel within Helsinki.


In the process of organising its events, ENCATC is committed to work with venues/partners who hold satisfactory environmental policies and to make them commit to our Green Policy. 

Waste management

Participants of the Congress will be required to sort waste adapting to the local recycling infrastructure. Reusable, recycled or compostable items will be used such as cups, crockery and cutlery to avoid acquiring plastic/single serve disposables for food & beverages, plastic bags and plastic water bottles, as well as event badges.


ENCATC and its partners commit to purchase sustainable options for breaks and catering, such as organic and/or fair trade and/or vegan and/or vegetarian and/or local products. This includes using water bottled from local taps when possible.