ENCATC Congress 2023

Artificial Intelligence Embraced: the future of the cultural and creative sector 11-13 October 2023, Helsinki, Finland

2023 Members Forum

The 2023 ENCATC Congress, taking place in Helsinki from 11-13 October 2023, will feature a special session delivered by ENCATC members in the format of 6 physical Members Talks taking place simultaneously on 12 October from 17:30-19:00.

The Members Forum represents the multidisciplinary and cross-sectoral nature of ENCATC's global community, reuniting the diverse fields of knowledge and expertise of our members in management, education, research and policy.

The large array of topics covered in the Members Talks will cater to everyone's curiosity and interests. From the application of ChatGPT in cultural marketing to emerging curricula in different domains of the cultural sector, international cultural relations and the skills for facilitating the green transformation, attendees can expect to gain valuable insights and fresh perspectives on several of the key issues characterizing the field today. 

Joining the 2023 ENCATC Congress means strengthening one's own professional network, acquiring valuable knowledge, and contributing to the advancement of the cultural field. Do not miss the opportunity and join in to broaden your expertise, exchange views and experiences with colleagues and bring home innovative ideas and methodologies!


11 Oct 2023
17:30 - 19:00

MEMBERS TALK 1: How to use ChatGPT in Cultural Marketing

Room D4107


Julia Glesner, Professor at Potsdam University of Applied Sciences (Germany).

Sara Tvrdišić, Phd Candidate at the University of Arts. "Exploring Customer Perspectives on E-Commerce and AI vs. Traditional Retail"

At this hands-on Members Talk, you will use the software to carry out practical, exemplary tasks: create advertising texts, adapt them to social media channels, evaluate advertising spaces, plan dates for events and develop ticket prices ideas. By joining this workshop, you will come out knowing more of how algorithms, machine learning and ChatGPT work. You will understand the limitations of the programme and its margin for improvement, you will learn how to use the software for various tasks in marketing and you will know how to assess the quality of the results.

With input from Sara Tvrdišić on "Exploring Customer Perspectives on E-Commerce and AI vs. Traditional Retail"

Please fill in the registration form for joining this session.

17:30 - 19:00

MEMBERS TALK 2: Being fit for the job: emerging curricula for the cultural and creative sector

Room A309


Annick Schramme, Full professor and Academic Director of the Master in Cultural Management at the University of Antwerp (Belgium). 


Catarina Vaz Pinto, Independent Arts and Culture Professional (Portugal)


Milena Dragićević-Šešić, Prof. Emerita at University of Arts Belgrade and Head of the UNESCO Chair on Interculturalism, Art Management and Mediation (Serbia)
Cristina Ortega, Chief Scientific and Operating Officer at World Leisure Organization (Spain)
Milena Deleva, Executive Director, Association of Arts Administration Educators (USA)
Kerrine Goh, Senior Project Executive, Asia Europe Foundation

The cultural and creative sector is constantly evolving, and it is important for professionals to stay up-to-date with the latest industry trends and technologies. As a result, emerging profiles and curricula are being developed to meet these changing demands. Some of the key skills and competencies that are becoming increasingly important include digital literacy, entrepreneurship, and cross-disciplinary collaboration. To stay competitive in this field, professionals must be willing to adapt and continually update their skills sets. This Talk will address this important issue with some of the most prominent experts in the field, thus to share with the audience their views and recommendations.

17:30 - 19:00

MEMBERS TALK 3: What are the challenges and opportunities in shaping the future workplace?

Room B328


Antonia Silvaggi, Head of Skills for Culture and Co-founder at Melting Pro (Italy).

There is significant consensus that one massive change driven by the pandemic - the rise of remote and hybrid work - is here to stay. Organisations are experimenting with different models of workplace, or are experimenting with the end of the five-day workweek. How is the cultural sector or the educational sector responding to this issue? What skills and mindset do first-time or long term employees need to acquire? How do we approach effective collaborations in a hybrid workplace? This session aims to explore issues and opportunities at stake in shaping our working environment, between sharing physical spaces and using the digital ones to expand collaboration and improve productivity. Join the session to explore specific, actionable steps that we can take to create better, more supportive and equitable workplaces and find common solutions.

Please note this session will be in a participatory format. Get ready to bring your experiences and questions to get a deeper understanding of this topic together. 

17:30 - 19:00

MEMBERS TALK 4: International Cultural relations and communities of practice

Room D4106


Carla Figueira, Director of the MA in Cultural Policy, Relations and Diplomacy and of the MA in Tourism and Cultural Policy at the Institute for Creative and Cultural Entrepreneurship, Goldsmiths, University of London (UK).

In conversation with:

Valentina Riccardi, Head of Culture at Asia-Europe Foundation – ASEF
Tiffany Bourgeois, Assistant Professor at the Department of Arts Administration, Education & Policy, The Ohio State University (USA)
Natalia Grincheva, Program Leader in Arts Management at LASALLE College of the Arts, University of the Arts Singapore (Singapore)

In this session you will learn about why and how the social learning paradigm can be useful for international cultural relations. Specifically, we will focus on discussing communities of practice cases and the importance of systems convening leadership. Please note that, besides involving leading academics and practitioners in cultural management and policy, this session will be run in an interactive format named fishbowl discussion, which allows to involve a large group in an intimate, small group conversation.

(Please note that this session will be in a participatory format. In this session you will learn about why and how the social learning paradigm can be useful for international cultural relations, focus on discussing communities of practice cases and the importance of systems convening leadership.)

17:30 - 19:00

MEMBERS TALK 5: Innovative and emerging curricula for cultural heritage professions

Room A311

In collaboration with CHARTER - European Cultural Heritage Skills Alliance (Erasmus+)


Lluís Bonet, Professor and Director of the Cultural Management Graduate program at the University of Barcelona (Spain) 
Herman Bashiron Mendolicchio, coordinator of the Postgraduate course on International Cultural Cooperation at the University of Barcelona and CHARTER Project Manager (Spain).


Pirjo Hamari, Director of Development at Museum Development Unit at the Finnish Heritage Agency (Finland)

The education and training sector must explore and closely accompany the rapid changes of the professional profiles in the broad field of culture and cultural heritage. New skills and competences are constantly emerging and innovative curricula and teaching models and formats must react and adapt to new challenges. Through the results of the CHARTER project and the input of other experts in the cultural heritage sector, in this Talk we will explore and discuss the current and future challenges in learning processes for cultural heritage professions. This session will be held in the form of an interactive workshop, where participants will exchange and debate on which are the elements required to innovate curricula.

17:30 - 19:00

MEMBERS TALK 6. Skills for the green transition in the CCIs: sharing tools and approaches across Europe

Room D4109


GiannaLia Cogliandro Beyens, ENCATC General Secretary 


Jordi Baltà Portolés, Consultant, researcher and trainer at Trànsit Projectes and advisor at the Committee on Culture of United Cities and Local Governments (UCLG) (Spain).


Daphne Tepper, Policy Director at UNI Europa (Belgium)
Vânia Rodrigues, Principal Investigator at Centro de Estudos Interdisciplinares - CEIS20 | Centre for Interdisciplinary Research, Universidade de Coimbra (Portugal)
Anu Ahola, Project Manager at KEMUT network, Elma.live (Finland)
Giuliana De Francesco, Policy Officer, Unit D3 Fair Societies and Cultural Heritage, European Commission, DG RTD

Across Europe, many higher education institutions as well as organisations and platforms in the cultural and creative industries (CCIs) are working to develop tools and approaches to foster an adaptation of professional skills the the challenges raised by the green transition: training courses, guides and toolkits, collections of good practices, etc. Frequently, these initiatives cover specific sectors or countries and do not always travel easily across borders, thus generating challenges in accessing valuable information. 

This session will present some initiatives that have contributed to enabling access to information and fostering the development of skills for the green transition in the CCIs. It is co-organised by the Working Group on Skills for the Green Transformation, established in the context of the EU Large-Skills Partnership for the Cultural and Creative Industries ecosystem (CCI LSP), which over the last year has mapped initiatives in this field and identified gaps. The session is held in the context of the European Year of Skills and the Creative Skills Week.

Registration to attend online here.