
Congress 2022 podcasts

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ENCATC podcasts are a series of resources developed by ENCATC and meant to serve as teaching material available to all. Made accessible through the ENCATC website as easy to reach YouTube links, they are perfect to use in the classroom with exciting insights, best practice and know-how from experts from different fields.

The podcasts related to the 2022 Congress have been recorded in the context of the 2022 ENCATC Congress, held in Brussels and Antwerp on 17-19 October 2022.

A podcast with Annick Schramme & Nathalie Verboven

A podcast with Annick Schramme & Nathalie Verboven

This podcast talks about the REMAM project - Reinventing Mentoring in Arts Management from the viewpoint of one of the organisations involved in it, the University of Antwerp and its Master’s in Cultural Management. The speakers talk about the concept of mentoring and its opportunities and challenges, especially in the cultural management sector. They talk about the importance of mutual exchange for personal progress, and about the relevance of scaling mentorship possibilities internationally, beyond the boundaries of individual universities and organisations. Among the questions raised, the need to establish a legal status for mentors, and the importance of also involving smaller organisations in mentoring practices. 

A podcast with Carla Figueira

A podcast with Carla Figueira

This podcast is about the topic of international cultural relations and the role they play today in our societies. Professor Carla Figueira, from Goldsmiths, University of London, gives a definition of the practice and talks about the importance of the human relation factor in them. In fact, international relations were born out of the purpose to maintain peace. In this context, the start of the war in Ukraine constitutes a major challenge. Other challenges in the field mentioned by Figueira relate to social justice and the role that cultural organisations can play in defending and promoting related values. Figueira observes how cultural networks can also play a big role in contributing to the study and practice of international cultural relations. Finally, according to the professor, international cultural relations also have a role to play in raising awareness about the environmental crisis, seeking to change attitudes and influencing policy.

A podcast with Carlotta Scioldo

A podcast with Carlotta Scioldo

This podcast talks about the topic of transnational cultural networks and their relevance in the cultural arena, also dealing with challenges such as the impact of Covid-19. Carlotta Scioldo illustrates her work in this field and talks about the complex relation between the different levels involved in the discourse on cultural networks: European institutions, the networks themselves, and their members. According to Scioldo, networks play a role of connectors, acting on one hand as facilitators towards their members, and on the other hand as sector representatives at the institutional level. Between challenges and opportunities, Scioldo says, cultural networks are key for maintaining the sector alive and democratic.

A podcast with Mariachiara Esposito

A podcast with Mariachiara Esposito

This podcast is about the results of the United Nations’ MONDIACULT Conference, held in Mexico City in September 2022, and about the work of the European Commission in integrating the results and considerations of the conference in its own work and policies, when addressing the link between culture and the sustainable development goals. Specifically, Mariachiara Esposito of DG EAC addresses the key shift brought forward by the MONDIACULT conference in framing culture as a global public good, with considerable consequences for policymaking strategies, and explains about three key milestones that the Commission has put in place to better implement, measure and evaluate the contribution and role of culture in all its sustainability-related policies.

A podcast with Milena Dragićević Šešić & Biljana Tanurovska Kjulavkovski

A podcast with Milena Dragićević Šešić & Biljana Tanurovska Kjulavkovski

This podcast, drawing from the book “Rethinking Cultural and Arts Institutions: new perspectives on management & governance" addresses the topic of post-managerial approaches to cultural and art institutions, and the proposition of new models based on co-curation and shared leadership. Making examples coming from North Macedonia and the wider Balkan region, Biljana Tanurovska – Kjulavkovski, cultural manager and author exchanges with professor Milena Dragićević Šešić, talking about the need to look into examples of activist, self-organised, and horizontal approaches of governing, about the change that these propositions bring forward in the cultural sector, and about the ideal skills that this work entails.