
The ENCATC Advances on Cultural Management and Policy (EACMP) Book Series exists to foster critical debate and to publish academic research in the field of cultural management and cultural policy as well as to open up a forum for discussions and debate on the topics of cultural management and cultural policy among scholars, educators, policy makers and cultural managers. It is also intended to provide reference tools for education and lifelong learning on cultural management and cultural policies. It is becoming more and more evident that education in cultural management and cultural policy cannot and should not be separated from research being conducted in the field. Since its creation, ENCATC has recognised this need and has always been very active in pursuing, publishing, presenting, and disseminating research in arts and cultural management and cultural policy to strengthen the understanding of cultural management and cultural policy issues.


Since 2022, the ENCATC Advances on Cultural Management and Policy (EACMP) Book Series is published by Routledge.

Routledge is the world’s leading publisher of social sciences and humanities books. Authors who join this new series will be part of a global distribution network that benefits from publishing expertise and capability across a range of areas, including: global distribution, editorial support; an experienced production team; discoverability-led marketing strategies; investment in technology; peer review.

Book Series Editors: 

  • Dr. Cristina Ortega Nuere. Chief Operating Officer, World Leisure Organization. Professor, University Oberta of Catalunya. 
  • Dr. Richard G Maloney. Clinical Associate Professor and Director, Performing Arts Administration graduate program, Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Human Development; Affiliated Faculty, Robert F. Wagner Graduate School of Public Service, New York University.

Book Proposals:

  • ENCATC accepts book proposals from its members all year round. 
  • There is no publication fee.



Cultural Governance

Cultural Governance

Current and Future European Perspectives

Chris Bailey, Elena Theodoulou Charalambous, Geert Drion

Cultural governance is currently regarded as a transversal element of public policy in Europe. This book brings together academics and policy practitioners to provide new insights into the field, exploring its contemporary dynamics, dilemmas and challenges.

In light of the Cyprus Presidency in 2026, the authors reflect on the breadth and boundaries of cultural governance in a European perspective, the role of international institutions, such as UNESCO and the EU, and the frameworks and dilemmas of cultural governance as a dedicated practice. Particular attention is given to the relationship between culture and human creativity, to cultural rights and to climate breakdown, placing cultural governance at the heart of integrated public policy.

As a key contribution that enriches the field of cultural policy, this book is essential reading for academics and offers guidance for concerted action for policymakers and legislators.

- Publisher: Routledge
- ENCATC Book Series: Cultural Management and Cultural Policy Education 
- Book Series Editor: ENCATC 
- Book Series Director: Cristina Ortega Nuere, 3Walks, Spain 

Length: 302 pages
Language: English
ISBN: 9781032462004

Globalisation, Commodification and Cultural Production in Africa

Globalisation, Commodification and Cultural Production in Africa

Contemporary Theatre in Sierra Leone

Kathrin Schmidt

This book engages with contemporary cultural production in Africa, focusing on theatre in Sierra Leone as main case study. The author provides coverage of, and insights into, such themes as cultural globalisation, commodification, the global creative economy, culture and development, international relations, and contemporary cultural production in Sierra Leone within the context of local and global flows of people, media, images, technologies, finance and ideas.

- Publisher: Routledge
- ENCATC Book Series: Cultural Management and Cultural Policy Education 
- Book Series Editor: ENCATC 
- Book Series Director: Cristina Ortega Nuere, 3Walks, Spain 

Length: 208 pages
Language: English
ISBN: 9781032378299

Social Innovation, Social Enterprises and the Cultural Economy

Social Innovation, Social Enterprises and the Cultural Economy

Cultural and Artistic Social Enterprises in Practice

Rocío Nogales Muriel

Faced with a depleted planet and a series of connected crises, socially minded agents and entities within the world of culture and the arts are reacting from within. With insights from sociology, economics, and cultural management and policy, this book aims to chronicle the journey of SMart – a cultural and artistic social enterprise now present in eight European countries – in order to illustrate such organisation’s efforts to achieve its potential for social innovation and transformation.

- Publisher: Routledge
- ENCATC Book Series: Cultural Management and Cultural Policy Education 
- Book Series Editor: ENCATC 
- Book Series Director: Cristina Ortega Nuere, 3Walks, Spain 

Length: 272 pages
Language: English
ISBN: 9781032378299

Modelling Cultural and Art Institutions

Modelling Cultural and Art Institutions

Biljana Tanurovska-Kjulavkovski

This book examines the theoretical and practical tensions and questions related to cultural and art institutions in the context of North Macedonia and the wider region of former Yugoslavia. The author explores the needs in the art field of contemporary performing arts (post-dramatic theatre, dance, performance, choreography, etc.) and offers approaches to modelling and governing contemporary performing art institutions from the perspective of the independent cultural and art sector.

"Innovative and challenging analysis of the changing realities of the institutional cultural system. Conceptually sophisticated, compelling and with imaginative and ethically relevant solutions, this book is the timely response to the crucial issues in cultural management and policy." - Milena Dragićević Šešić, prof. emerita, University of Arts Belgrade

- Publisher: P.I.E. Peter Lang
- ENCATC Book Series: Cultural Management and Cultural Policy Education 
- Book Series Editor: ENCATC 
- Book Series Director: Cristina Ortega Nuere, 3Walks, Spain 

Length: 226 pages
Language: English
ISBN: 978-2-8076-1801-5

Heritage, Cities and Sustainable Development

Heritage, Cities and Sustainable Development

Interdisciplinary Approaches and International Case Studies

Cécile Doustaly (Ed.)

This volume analyses ways in which heritage recognition, conservation, valorisation and promotion have been integrated in urban planning and policies. The book examines the disputed influence of international frameworks, notably from UNESCO, and takes a holistic approach to cultural policies encompassing both theory and application, listed and unlisted sites, East and West.

- Publisher: P.I.E. Peter Lang
- ENCATC Book Series: Cultural Management and Cultural Policy Education 
- Book Series Editor: ENCATC 
- Book Series Director: Cristina Ortega Nuere, 3Walks, Spain 

Length: 258 pages
Language: English
ISBN: 978-2-8076-1110-8

Buffers beyond Boundaries. Bridging theory and practice in the management of historical territories

Buffers beyond Boundaries. Bridging theory and practice in the management of historical territories

Alba Zamarbide Urdaniz

What is a buffer? Is it a control zone? Or is it rather a transition space, a blurred boundary? Since "buffer zones" were introduced in the late 1970s as a complementary protection layer to World Heritage sites, the dimensions of heritage have changed significantly; from physical to intangible, from defined to diffused. Now, buffers can present all these different characters, even at the same time.

- Publisher: P.I.E. Peter Lang
- ENCATC Book Series: Cultural Management and Cultural Policy Education 
- Book Series Editor: ENCATC 
- Book Series Director: Cristina Ortega Nuere, 3Walks, Spain 

Length: 267 pages
Language: English
ISBN: 978-2-8076-1273-0

Museums go International. New strategies, new business models

Museums go International. New strategies, new business models

Rebecca Amsellem

 This book is based on a multiple correspondence analysis of a database populated by the results of a survey conducted by the author on international museums. The study reveals that museums fall into four categories regarding their internationalization strategies and can have two complementary international strategies: one geared toward economic profitability and one geared toward the preservation of heritage.

- Publisher: P.I.E. Peter Lang
- ENCATC Book Series: Cultural Management and Cultural Policy Education 
- Book Series Editor: ENCATC 
- Book Series Director: Cristina Ortega Nuere, 3Walks, Spain 

Length: 228 pages
Language: English
ISBN: 978-2-8076-1269-3

Public-Private Partnership in the Cultural Sector. A Comparative Analysis of European Models

Public-Private Partnership in the Cultural Sector. A Comparative Analysis of European Models

Elena Borin

This book contributes to the debate on the emerging governance systems and management models of the cultural sector by means of a comparative analysis of significant case studies of public-private partnerships in Europe.

- Publisher: P.I.E. Peter Lang
- ENCATC Book Series: Cultural Management and Cultural Policy Education 
- Book Series Editor: ENCATC 
- Book Series Director: Cristina Ortega Nuere, 3Walks, Spain 

Length: 230 pages
Language: English
ISBN: 978-2-8076-0407-0

Fair Cooperation. A New Paradigm for Cultural Diplomacy and Arts Management

Fair Cooperation. A New Paradigm for Cultural Diplomacy and Arts Management

Annika Hampel

Annika Hampel analyzes the working conditions of partnerships to understand how current artistic collaborations function, what structures and processes they involve, on what premises and within what frameworks the collaborators work, and what challenges they have to cope with.

- Publisher: P.I.E. Peter Lang
- ENCATC Book Series: Cultural Management and Cultural Policy Education 
- Book Series Editor: ENCATC 
- Book Series Director: Cristina Ortega Nuere, 3Walks, Spain 

Length: 284 pages
Language: English
ISBN: 978-2-8076-0471-1

The Creative City. Cultural Policies and urban regeneration between conservation and development

The Creative City. Cultural Policies and urban regeneration between conservation and development

Alessia Usai

This book focuses on the relationships between the creative city principles and the planning approach introduced by the European Landscape Convention in order to identify best practices for the development of innovative cultural policies and new urban regeneration tools.

- Publisher: P.I.E. Peter Lang
- ENCATC Book Series: Cultural Management and Cultural Policy Education 
- Book Series Editor: ENCATC 
- Book Series Director: Cristina Ortega Nuere, 3Walks, Spain 

Length: 204 pages
Languages: English
ISBN: ISBN 978-2-8076-0192-5
 When Cultural Policies Change: Comparing Mexico and Argentina

When Cultural Policies Change: Comparing Mexico and Argentina

Elodie Bordat-Chauvin

 Through a comparative and historical analysis, this research sheds new light on the emergence, institutionalization and transformation of the cultural policies of two major Latin American countries: Mexico and Argentina.

- Publisher: P.I.E. Peter Lang
- ENCATC Book Series: Cultural Management and Cultural Policy Education 
- Book Series Editor: ENCATC 
- Book Series Director: Cristina Ortega Nuere, 3Walks, Spain 

Length: 268 pages
Languages: English
ISBN: 978-3-0352-9771-3