Traces (2018 - 2020)

Traces - TRansnational Accelerator for a Cultural and Creative EcoSystem

The University of Salento - Department of Management and Economics, a member of ENCATC, is the lead beneficiary of this project in cooperation with two Italian partners, the Tecnopolis Science and Technology Park of Bari and the Creative Apulia Cluster Association, and two Greek partners, the Hellenic Management Association and the Chamber of Achaia. Associated Partners are ENCATC – European Network on Cultural Management and Policy and the Foundation for Ethical Finance.

TRACES project, financed under Priority Axis 1 – Innovative and Competitiveness, with a budget of about 1 Million euro, takes place from 30 March 2018 - 30 March 2020. It  focuses on cultural and creative micro and small and medium enterprises (CC MSMEs) in Apulia and Western Greece regions and addresses the common challenge to promote creative entrepreneurship as a key contributor to competitiveness across all economic and social sectors.

Traces will develop a creative service exchange ICT platform, where creatives can share services between Greece and Italy. The project will implement 10 Local Atelier, 5 in Puglia and 5 in the Region of Western Greece as public spaces to reuse according to the Apulia Urban Lab Model to offer co-working and cross-fertilization services. In addition, the 1st edition of the creativity trade fair, as a biennal event, will be organized,  where creatives, entrepreneurs and stakeholders  will involve  in a creative networking business trip across Puglia and Greece.



Ufficio Comunicazione e URP - Università del Salento, Loredana De Vitis +39 0832 292247

 Regione Puglia - Joint Secretariat Communication Officer, Carmela Sfregola +39 3493916007

Interreg V-A Greece-Italy Programme is an European Territorial Cooperation Programme that aims to help public institutions and local stakeholders to develop cross-border projects and pilot actions and to create new policy, products and services, with the final goal to improve the citizens’ quality of life. Strategically, the programme will enhance innovation in a number of fields such as blue growth, tourism and culture, agro food and cultural and creative industries. Interreg V-A Greece-Italy Programme aims to get maximum return from EUR 123 million financed per 85% by European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and per 15% by the 2 member states through a national co-financing.

Traces - TRansnational Accelerator for a Cultural and Creative EcoSystem