EU Heritage
EU Heritage - Skills for promotion, valorisation, exploitation, mediation and interpretation of European Cultural Heritage
EU HERITAGE is an Erasmus+ funded (Sector Skills Alliances) transnational initiative bringing together 10 partners from 7 EU countries. Through an interrelated set of eight WPs, partners will jointly address the shortage of transversal and transferableand digital skills in the field of heritage promotion, valorisation, exploitation, mediation and interpretation.
A new transnational curriculum
The project partnership will work over the next 36 months (2019-2021) to create a new transnational curriculum for cultural heritage operators working in the field of heritage. The curriculum that will be jointly developed will focus in particular on digital skills, transferable and transversal competences, soft skills, and skills connected to “experience tourism” in the field of cultural heritage.
EU HERITAGE will focus on an experiential approach and will deploy a cross-sectoral and multidisciplinary methodology that will enhance the potentials of connecting the heritage sectors with other sectors.