ADESTE: Audience DEveloper: Skills and Training in Europe
Bringing in new audiences and retaining loyal followers is crucial for the health and sustainability of the cultural sector. With the complexity of such a challenge how can Europe support cultural managers and practitioners responsible for attracting audience development? What are the skills and attributes these “audience developers” need to successfully expand their institution’s reach? How can they implement audience development policies while keeping their current cultural consumers loyal and happy? How can “audience developer” skills, attributes and best practice be adapted and transferred to different cultural sectors and countries in Europe?
These are some of the questions explored by the ADESTE (Audience DEveloper: Skills and Training in Europe) project.

Cultural Heritage Counts for Europe
Europe’s cultural heritage – built and natural ‐ has a huge value for Europe’s economy, society and environment. To this end there is a need to develop an EU strategy for cultural and natural heritage ‐ a strategy that values heritage as a crucial asset and resource. Such a strategy should be fully integrated within the EU’s key economic priorities as set out in the overall EU strategy for 2020. It should also enable heritage’s contribution to the EU agendas on sustainability, Creative Europe, research and innovation, climate change, energy saving, regional and rural development and territorial cohesion.

CREA.M - Creative blended mentoring for cultural managers
The CREA.M project (2011-2013) is supported by the European Commission’s Lifelong Learning programme under the Leonardo da Vinci development of Innovation programme and aims at mapping the competences needed in the cultural sector by involving different stakeholders and from there elaborating a creative blended mentoring system deployed into learning outcomes to foster creativity, entrepreneurship, and intercultural skills for the beneficiaries.