Rules & Procedures
Events corresponding to the following ENCATC priority themes (General Assembly, October 2015) will be privileged:
1. Audience development
2. Heritage
3. Cultural and creative sectors: entrepreneurship and innovation
4. Promotion of cultural diversity, culture in the EU external relations
5. Monitoring culture and creative interventions: urban futures and social engagement
- The event organizer must be a member of ENCATC.
- The event organizers wishing to benefit from the ENCATC label must submit to one of the two co-chairmen an application presenting the project. The event can take place in any language but a synthesis of the document must be provided in English and clarify the purpose of the event, the probable speakers, the targeted public, dates and location, the supporting institution, etc.
- The application is then communicated by the chairman to the ENCATC Board Members in order to be reviewed.
- In case of positive reaction, the event will benefit from the ENCATC label. Consequently, the ENCATC Board will appoint one of its members or delegate a member of ENCATC - possibly belonging to the same geographical area - to follow up the project in order to ensure the quality of the event. The appointed member does not take on any responsibility in the organization of the event but will supervise the preparation and holding of the event: i.e., validating the main scientific guidelines and issues with the organizers.
- The appointed member is invited to make the introductory speech of the co-branded event. Alternatively, according the case, he/she can be invited to participate to plenary panel discussion.
- The organizer will cover travel expenses and subsistence of the appointed member to participate in the event and, if necessary, to preparatory meetings.
- The logo and name of ENCATC have to be present in all the promotional material of the event (flyer, calls for proposal, website, poster, program) as well as on the would-be proceedings and publications
- ENCATC will promote the co-branded event on its mailing list. Conversely, the organizer is asked to spread the next ENCATC conference to the participants of the workshop.
- After the event, the organizer establishes a summary report of the event with the list of participants to be given to the ENCATC Board and diffused to ENCATC members.
Application Form
If you want to submit an event, please complete the ENCATC Labelling Application Form