Who is speaking at the 2018 ENCATC Policy Debate?
On the evening of 13 November in Antwerp, ENCATC will hold its lively annual Policy Debate! The focus of this year is "All aboard! Cultural governance from a global perspective" where our experts will be discussing the role of the board of cultural organisations to make the cultural sector stronger and more sustainable.
We'll be tackling questions such as: What is the role of the board in the management of cultural organizations and are there any differences between the European countries? How are the principles of governance, namely accountability, transparency and authority applied in the cultural sector in Europe?
These renowned speakers will help participants to deepen their knowledge and understanding:
- Patrick Broekema, Governance Adviser, Cultuur + Ondernemen, The Netherlands
- GiannaLia Cogliandro Beyens, ENCATC Secretary General
- Ian King, Full Research Professor, University of Arts London, United Kingdom
- Arnaud Pasquali, Deputy Head of Unit, European Commission (EACEA)
- Annick Schramme, Professor at University of Antwerp / Management School of Antwerp, Belgium
- Dea Vidović, Director of Kultura Nova Foundation, Croatia
The 2018 ENCATC Policy Debate is also the occasion to gain access to new research results about cultural governance from an international comparative perspective before it is published later in November by Palgrave-MacMillan. The empirical research was conducted in 9 countries and 5 continents and will surely nourish our reflections during the Policy Debate.
The debate will be followed by a networking reception.
Done in partnership with ENCATC member, the University of Antwerp and the Fund for Cultural Management, the Policy Debate welcomes policymakers, academia and professionals from the cultural sector, artists and creatives.
The deadline to register is 11 November.