First speakers announced for #encatc2018
This year, the only global Congress on Cultural Management and Policy is focusing on "Beyond EYCH2018. What is the cultural horizon? Opening up perspectives to face ongoing transformations" next 26-29 September in Bucharest, Romania.
Joining us on our journey to explore the ongoing cultural transformations that are shaking the very foundations of our understanding and practice of culture, at date 17 experts, cultural influencers and respected practitioners will be coming from Belgium, Croatia, Finland, France, Greece, Hungary, Romania, Serbia, Sweden, Taiwan, the United Kingdom, and the United States. During the Congress, they will share their knowledge, experience and reactions to the Congress' main theme and contribute to the exchange of the most innovative ideas, insightful learnings, and actionable methods coming out of the cultural management and policy field.
- Kimmo Aulake, Special Government Advisor and Deputy Head of Cultural Exports and Exchange Unit at the Ministry of Education and Culture, Finland
- Alexandru Berceanu, Initiator and Deputy Director of CINETic, Romania
- Carmen Croitoru, General Manager of the National Institute for Cultural Research and Training, Romania
- Călin Dan, General Director, National Museum of Contemporary Art Bucharest, Romania
- Milena Dragićević-Šešić, Head of UNESCO Chair in Interculturalism, Art Management and Mediation, Serbia
- Paul Dujardin, Chief Executive Officer – Artistic Director, BOZAR, Centre for Fine Arts, Brussels, Belgium
- Ana Gaio, Senior Lecturer at City, University of London, United Kingdom
- Claire Giraud-Labalte, Art Historian, University of Nantes, France
- Lotta Lekvall, Director of the Folkeatern, Sweden
- Jerry C Y Liu, President of the Taiwan Association of Cultural Policy Studies, Taiwan
- Tamina Lolev, Co-Founder, Architect, and Project Manager at NOD MAKERSPACE, Romania
- Marjo Mäenpää, President of Compendium Board and Director of Cupore, Finland
- Richard Maloney, Director of the Performing Arts Administration graduate program, New York University Steinhardt, United States
- Vintilă Mihăilescu, Professor at the National University of Political Studies and Public Administration, Romania
- Dragos Neamu, Founder of the National Network of Romanian Museums and manager of the Romanian Night of Museums, Romania
- Effy Tselikas, Journalist, Greece
- Dea Vidović, Director of the Kultura Nova Foundation, Croatia
- ... more speakers to be announced soon!