Who will win the 4th ENCATC Research Award in 2017?
Who will be the winner of the 4th ENCATC Research Award on Cultural Management and Cultural Policy? On 28 September in Brussels, the winner will be announced during 4th ENCATC Research Award Ceremony, held during the 25th ENCATC Congress "Click, Connect and Collaborate! New directions in sustaining cultural networks". The Award ceremony's international audience will include the Award's international jury as well as distinguished representatives from UNESCO and the European Commission, renowned academics and researchers, cultural professionals, policy makers, artists, and media.
The three finalists in the running are: Rebecca Amsellem from France and Canada; Steven Hadley from the United Kingdom; and Sofie Jacobs from Belgium.
Their research has been earmarked to make important contributions to comparative research and policy making and have captivated the Award's jury with their work: Rebecca Amsellem for her PhD thesis at the University Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne, “The international strategies of museums and their new business models”; Steven Hadley from Queen’s University Belfast with his PhD thesis “Clothed in an inclusive ethic: Discourses of Democracy and the Role of Audience Development in English Cultural Policy”; and Sofie Jacobs from the University of Antwerp / Antwerp Management School for her PhD thesis "A configurational perspective on success in small-sized creative organisations".
The ENCATC Research Award was launched in 2014 with the aim to stimulate academic research in the field of cultural policy and cultural management with an emphasis on its applied implications. The ENCATC Award also has the ambition to contribute to the process of creating a network of scholars who are competent in doing comparative research projects in cultural policy and cultural management.
The 2017 Award winner will have his or her PhD thesis published in ENCATC's Cultural Management and Cultural Policy Education Book Series, a series of publications specialising in topics related to cultural management and cultural policy. The international dissemination of the ENCATC Book Series is ensured by Peter Lang, an international publishing group based in Switzerland and operating throughout the world.
Previous Award winners include Elodie Bordat-Chauvin from France (2014) for her research on “The Dynamics of Changes in Public Policy. A Comparative Historical Analysis of Mexican and Argentine Cultural Policies”, Annika Hampel from Germany (2015) for her thesis on “Fair Cooperation. Partnership based cooperation in Foreign Culture Policy”, Alessia Usai, from Italy (2015) for her research on “The Creative City. Cultural policies and urban regeneration between conservation and development”, and Elena Borin from Italy (2016) for her work on "Public-Private Partnership in the Cultural Sector: A comparative analysis of European Models".
To attend the 4th ENCATC Research Award Ceremony, registration to the 25th ENCATC Congress is required.
>>> REGISTER HERE: http://blogs.encatc.org/encatccongress2017/registration/