Call for contributions to the /encatcSCHOLAR
Today ENCATC has launched a call for contributions for its online publication /encatcSCHOLAR. Born in 2013 to satisfy the demand of ENCATC members - who are academics, researchers, trainers and their students to exchange teaching methodologies and knowledge to use in the classroom.
/encatcSCHOLAR is intended to provide reference tools for education and lifelong learning on cultural management and cultural policies. We are now launching a call for contributions for issue #07 of the /encatcSCHOLAR, which will be published in March 2017. This issue will focus parallel to the topic of ENCATC’s 24th Annual Conference (Valencia, 5-7 October 2016) on “Cultural Management Education in Risk Societies”.
Ulrich Beck and others have already proposed in the eighties that in late modernity Western industrial societies are undergoing a process of transformation into risk societies. Traditional institutions are not able anymore to respond to the fundamental global changes of society, like climate change, the financial crisis and/or terrorist attacks. We want to explore what consequences risk society has for education in general and for cultural management education. Please check the Annual Conference information for a more detailed description on the topic.
More specifically, contributions will be welcome for the following sections:
- Profiles intends to be a teaching
tool for professors, useful in the classroom for presentation of the world’s
leading thinkers that have made important contributions to the development and
professionalization of cultural management, as well as those who have influenced
the establishment of public policies (their main conceptual approaches, major
publications, biographical references, etc.).
- Angles should collect articles
on connections of culture to other disciplines, focusing on discussing the
challenges and opportunities that could arise from these interconnections, as
well as highlighting innovative components that enrich and strengthen practice.
- Case Analysis are made up of case
studies presented as a scholarly tool to illustrate situations where cultural managers
are facing crossroads, and need to analyze a variety of circumstances to make a
well informed decision.
- Interviews tries to give a voice to leading people in Europe (managers,
politicians, artists, ex commissioners, etc). At the end of the interview, the
interviewee raises some questions to the readers to encourage discussion and to
activate critical thinking on the topics that have been presented.
- Teaching-experience provides an opportunity
for teachers to share in first person, practical ideas to meet their
educational goals and to improve the teaching practice.
Please note the process to propose a contribution for this issue of the /encatcSCHOLAR:
1. Send your proposal for contribution (max. 300 words) to scholars@encatc.org by the 10th December 2016.
2. Editors of the /encatcSCHOLAR will review the proposals and authors will be notified of the selection by late December 2016.
3. Full texts of the contributions (max. 2,000-3,000) are to be sent to scholars@encatc.org by the 25th January 2017.
Check the basic guidelines for authors at the end of this message.
QUESTIONS: Please contact us at scholars@encatc.org if you need any further information.
LINK TO THE SCHOLAR WEBSITE: http://blogs.encatc.org/encatcscholar/
The /encatcSCHOLAR is not strictly for academic institutions, so you are invited to use a language which makes it easy to share knowledge in the classroom.
We kindly ask you to close your discussion by outlining some questions to spark the discussion in the classroom.
As it is an online publication, we would suggest the text to have between 2,000 and 3,000 words.
Please follow this citing style:
Books: TOFFLER, A. (1970) Future Shock. New York: Random House.
Book chapters: WALSH, P. (2007) Rise and Fall of the Post-Photographic Museum: Technology and the Transformation of Art. In Cameron, F. and Kenderdine, S. (eds.) Theorizing digital cultural heritage: a critical discourse (pp. 19–34). Cambridge, Mass: MIT Press.
Journal articles: DEL BARRIO, M. J.; DEVESA, M. and HERRERO, L. C. (2012) Evaluating intangible cultural heritage: The case of cultural festivals. City, Culture and Society, 3 (4), 235-244.