April round up of new publications from the sector
ENCATC has done a monthly round-up of new publications from the culture and education sector to help advance new thinking and innovative ideas in cultural management and policy!
"The European Urban Innovator: Knowledge, Skills, and Attitudes Report" (EUREKA, 2021).
"Routledge Companion to Audiences and the Performing Arts" (Matthew Reason, Lynne Conner, Katya Johanson and Ben Walmsley, 2022).
"Changing the system – promoting cultural sustainable development and diversity. Expert opinions from the Culture and Arts Policy Dialogues between Canada and the Nordics in 2021" (Nordic Council of Ministers, 2022).
"Arts and Culture Digital Roadmap" (Singapore Ministry of Culture, Community and Youth et al, 2022).
"Enriching 21st Century language education - The CEFR Companion volume in practice (2022)" (Council of Europe, 2022).
"The Creative Power of the Arts: Reimagining Human and Planetary Flourishing" (Salzburg Global Forum, 2022).