Dr. Solène Marié wins the 2021 ENCATC Research Award
Dr. Solène Marié has won the 2021 ENCATC Research Award on Cultural Policy and Cultural Management for her doctoral thesis "At the centre of the edge: the development of cross-border cultural networks in border cities between Brazil and Uruguay and France and Germany” defended at the University of Brasília (Brazil) and Paris 8 University (France).
The 2021 Award winner was revealed at the annual ENCATC Research Award Ceremony. Due to the COVID-19 context, this year the ceremony took place online on the last day of the 2021 ENCATC Digital Congress "Artists in the spotlight! In search of new agendas for education and research in the cultural management and policy field" (19-22 October).
An international audience of educators, researchers, cultural professionals, policy makers, artists and students gathered online for the momentous occasion to celebrate and recognise distinction and talent in our field. Moreover, with the Ceremony's Round Table, the 4 Award finalists presented their research and shared trends that can help anticipate new cultural policy orientations and identify future consequences for the cultural sector.
Alongside the 2021 winner, the finalists were praised for their relevant and important contributions to the field of cultural management and policy research: Jon
Alvarez Fernandez
for his PhD "The Shift of Valuation and Management in ‘Denken Chiku’
Protected Townscapes in Japan: Comparative Analysis with Contemporary Western
Protection Policies" defended at Waseda University (Japan); Dimitra
Kizlari for her PhD "Foreign Cultural Policy through the work of
the National Institutes of Culture: a comparative study on instrumentalism"
defended at the University College London (United Kingdom); and Meike Lettau
for her PhD "Artists as agents of change. Civil Society engagement and
foreign cultural policy in transformation processes" defended at the
University of Hildesheim (Germany).
Launched in 2014, the ENCATC Award is the only international Award recognizing excellence in cultural policy and cultural management research. This prestigious recognition exists to stimulate academic research in the field of cultural policy and cultural management, to explore contemporary issues at stake and possibly anticipate new cultural policy orientations through comparative and cross-cultural research. Moreover, the Award aims to contribute to the process of creating an infrastructure, a network of researchers who are doing comparative research projects in cultural policy and management issues. The 2021 ENCATC Research Award is done in partnership with the University of Antwerp and the Fonds voor Cultuurmanagement.