Professor Luciana Lazzeretti to keynote the 2021 ENCATC Digital Congress
ENCATC is honoured to announce Luciana Lazzeretti, Full Professor of “Economics and Management” at the Department of Economics and Management of the University of Florence, will be the keynote speaker at the 2021 ENCATC Digital Congress on Cultural Management and Policy (19-22 October).
On 19 October, Luciana Lazzeretti will share her critical reflection related to the 2021 Congress theme "Artists in the spotlight! In search of new agendas for education and research in the cultural management and policy field." An engaging debate will follow with leading experts and the international audience of participants who are academics, trainers and researchers from the cultural management and policy educational fields with cross-disciplinary interests, cultural professionals, policy makers, and artists.
Luciana Lazzeretti is the scientific coordinator of the PhD Course of Development Economics and Local Systems (DELOS) at the University of Florence and Trento (until 35th Cycle) and coordinator of the curriculum Local systems of the PhD DELOS, University of Florence (from the 36th Cycle). She is also the director of the Postgraduate Course in Economics and Management of Museums and Cultural Heritage. Her recent research interests concern: the relationship between creative environments and innovation (creative local system) with particular reference to a European perspective; regional policies in support of innovation and technology transfer; networks of SMEs for innovation and technology transfer and the evaluation of innovative projects; the resilience of local systems following external shocks; the relationship between entrepreneurship and cultural and creative industries; the economic complexity through the tools of relatedness; the relationship between Artificial Intelligence and culture. She is the author of over 170 Italian and foreign scientific publications and does intense research and teaching activities also at the international level.
Artists are at the core of the cultural and creative sectors (CSS), are the most important partners to other professionals and stakeholders (in and beyond the CCS), and there is no question CSS have been severely impacted by the COVID-19 crisis. This is why ENCATC is dedicating its 2021 Digital Congress to the theme "Artists in the spotlight! In search of new agendas for education and research in the cultural management and policy field".
The programme organised around the 2021 theme will start on the 19th of October with the Keynote speech, and the 2nd edition of the ENCATC Fellowship Award. The next days will also include the Global Conversations, an interdisciplinary EU Round Table, the Young and Emerging Researchers' Forum, and the Annual Education and Research Session. It will end on the 22nd of October with the ENCATC Research Award Ceremony.
- Register to the Congress here.