ENCATC signs call to support the cultural relations ahead of EU-US Summit
Ahead of the EU-US summit in June, ENCATC joined more than 100 European and American organisations from the cultural and creative sectors calling for attention to the EU-US cultural relations, of particular importance to recover from the Corona crisis.
The Corona-crisis has hit both trade partners severely. Concerts, performances and events stood still for more than a year, with no travelling and touring in either direction. . It is expected that only towards the end of 2021 this will slowly resume, with severe consequences on the live events business between the US and the EU.
With a united voice, ENCATC and the other signatories are calling for recognition that the cultural community needs a strong political signal which gives hope and prospect and that reducing the obstacles to visas and work permits is therefore an essential instrument to bring hope, future and a new start of cultural exchange between the two continents.