
ENCATC starts exciting new participation in CHARTER Alliance

ENCATC starts exciting new participation in CHARTER Alliance

CHARTER – The European Cultural Heritage Skills Alliance is an Erasmus+ funded project starting on January 2021 and for the next four years. ENCATC is one of the 28 members of the Consortium, which gathers Europe’s top education and training, networks, organizations and employers on the cultural heritage sector. The project had its Kick-Off Week from 11-14 January, digitally hosted by the University of Barcelona.

ENCATC is leader for the working package 6 destined for communication and dissemination, along with NEMO (Network of European Museum Organisations) as co-leader. Some of the most important milestones ahead of us are the creation of the branding strategy, which includes the conceptualization and design of the entire visual identity, as well as its style-guide to ensure the correct use of all materials; and the communication and dissemination strategy, an essential route-map for all future WP6 actions oriented to reach our target audiences. We are currently working on all these deliverables, looking forward to launching the official website in April.

We are very excited for the start of this ground-breaking project which aims to create a long-lasting skills and competencies strategy to secure a prosperous, sustainable and competitive future for the cultural heritage sector.

For more information on CHARTER, please click here.

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