
Florian Cramer to keynote the 2020 ENCATC Digital Congress

Florian Cramer to keynote the 2020 ENCATC Digital Congress

ENCATC is honoured to announce Florian Cramer, a practice-oriented research professor at the Willem de Kooning Academy, Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences in The Netherlands will be the keynote speaker at the 2020 ENCATC Digital Congress on Cultural Management and Policy (3-11 November). 

Different cultural agents are (re)positioning themselves in a post-digital context where digital has not been left behind, but rather where digitisation is embedded in all spheres of life and profoundly marks cultural shifts. What new, unforeseen challenges emerge for the cultural sector in a post-digital context and, in particular, after the coronavirus outbreak? How could cultural management and policy education prepare itself to adapt to a new scenario?

On 3 NovemberFlorian Cramer will share his critical reflection on the 2020 Congress theme "Cultural management and policy in a post-digital world – navigating uncertainty”.  What do we mean by ‘post-digital’?  The definition by Florian Cramer is endorsed here, according to which ‘post-digital’ does not refer to a situation where digital has been left behind, but rather to a context where digitisation is embedded in all spheres of life and profoundly marks cultural shifts and ongoing mutations – in a way that is remarkably different from how it did when it first broke into our societies. 

Moreover, Florian Cramer is known for his cutting-edge research investigating the transformation of art disciplines in the 21st century where the traditional notions and categories of “art” and “design”, with their 19th/20th century Western legacies, are being contested. This contestation manifests itself in new cultural practices, new forms of globalized visual culture, and the crisis of traditional concepts of (intellectual) property and authorship. 

A lively debate will follow the keynote with experts and the international Congress participants who are academics, researchers, educators, trainers, cultural practitioners, artists, and policy makers connecting online from around the globe. 

The 2020 keynote and panel debate will also set the stage for the investigation of five innovative topics: Media convergence and audience development in a post-digital context; Education in a post-digital context; Post-digital Cultural Policy; Culture, Arts and Ethics in a post-digital context; and Digitisation and new business models for cultural institutions. 

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Florian Cramer is a reader (in Dutch: lector, in Canadian English: research chair, in non-UK English: practice-oriented research professor) in 21st Century Visual Culture at Willem de Kooning Academy, Rotterdam, Netherlands, an art and design school which is part of Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences (Hogeschool Rotterdam).

He teaches, on a project basis, in as many departments of his school as possible, both on the B.A. level and in the different Masters programs of the Piet Zwart Institute (which is part of Willem de Kooning Academy).

Within the research department of his school, he is specialized in Autonomous Practices, one of the three B.A. graduation profiles. The Autonomous Practices curriculum and research projects are focused on DIY artist-run initiatives and self-organization as contemporary art.

He is currently co-supervising two research projects funded by the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO), respectively its applied-science branch SIA: Bridging art, design and technology through Critical Making and The Autonomous Fabric of Rotterdam. He is also  also involved in the following two NWO/SIA-funded research projects: Maak Het Publiek and GAMPSISS.

He is a board member of De Player, a space for sound/performance art, PrintRoom, a space for artists’ books and DIY publishing and MONO, an intersectional club, bar and venue for public debates. Outside the Netherlands, he is on the academic advisory board for the arts magazine Neural and of APRJA, a peer-reviewed Open Access journal published by the media studies department of Aarhus University, Denmark. 

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