
New #ENCATC2019 Congress speakers confirmed!

New #ENCATC2019 Congress speakers confirmed!

This year, the only Congress on Cultural Management and Policy is focusing on "Diversity and sustainability at work. Policies and practices from culture and education" next 2-5 October in Dijon, France.

Representatives from higher education institutions, networks, research centres, cultural organisations, international organisations, national government bodies, and regional authorities will explore the practical meanings of diversity in the cultural and creative sector, investigate how its different connotations are implemented in practice, and how they are contributing to the sustainability discourse in the field. 

Headlining the 2019 Congress speaker line up is keynote speaker, David Throsby, Distinguished Professor of Economics at Macquarie University in Sydney, Australia. On 3 October, he will share his critical reflections on “Diversity and sustainability in the cultural sector: What can economics tell us?” In the cultural arena how are these two disparate concepts linked? What are the real-world applications? 

Congress experts will also share new knowledge, innovative practices, and insightful experiences on topics such as: Diversity and sustainability in the cultural sector; Diversity and sustainability in cultural policies; Higher Music and Arts Education contributions to make arts and culture more diverse and sustainable; and Intersectoral and interdisciplinary collaborations across research approaches to cultural heritage.

Coming from Australia, Belgium, the Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Italy, Japan, Serbia, Spain, the United Kingdom, and the United States, invited experts are joining our international gathering with Congress participants having registered so far from 28 countries in Europe and beyond. 

There is still time to register and network with academics, researchers, decision makers, influential experts, practitioners, and artists interested in accessing ground-breaking innovations in cultural management and policy education and encouraging steps to ensure significant improvements in this industry!


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