Opening perspectives at the 2019 ENCATC Congress
Under the main theme, “Diversity and sustainability at work. Policies and practices from culture and education”, the 2019 ENCATC Congress on Cultural Management and Policy (2-5 October in Dijon, FR) invites participants to take an active part in the "Opening Perspectives Session".
On 3 October, academics, trainers and researchers from the cultural management and policy educational fields with cross-disciplinary interests to exchange with professionals, policy makers, and artists will be taken on a journey to explore, question, unpack, and expand perspectives on the 2019 Congress theme.
The journey begins with the Sharing Perceptions Experience: time out in the field to discover 3 key cultural institutions and be immersed ourselves in the Congress theme:
- La Coursive Boutaric, a cultural and social rehabilitation project accelerating the economic development through cooperation, structuring the cultural and creative sector in the region, and contributing to the attractiveness of the district of Les Grésilles, in full urban requalification;
- La Péniche Cancale, a cultural project moored at the Port du Canal in Dijon. It is successfully revitalizing the local neighbourhood though cultural promotion, eco-production, social inclusion, and sustainable practices;
- The Consortium Museum, a contemporary art centre recently hailed by The New York Times as “the under-the-radar French museum that quietly predicts art’s next big thing.”
Finally, the session will end with Opening Perspectives: time to learn and expand our horizons with the Keynote by David Throsby, Distinguished Professor of Economics at Macquarie University in Sydney, Australia who will share his critical reflection on the role of culture in sustainable development.
The "Opening Perspectives Session" is an important moment in the ENCATC Congress programming as it disrupts our ways of thinking, breaks down barriers, and questions our perceptions in order to then open ourselves to new and innovative ideas, methodologies, and practice that can improve our work, research and teaching.
LEARN MORE AND REGISTER TO THE CONGRESS HERE: https://www.encatc.org/en/events/detail/2019-encatc-congress/