Early booking discounts available for the 2019 ENCATC Congress
Early booking is open to attend ENCATC's 2019 Congress “Diversity and sustainability at work. Policies and practices from culture and education” next 2-5 October in Dijon, France.
Claim your discount and save 20% off the full price by booking before 15 June 2019.
Reserve your place to access the most innovative ideas, insightful learnings, and actionable methods coming out of the cultural management and policy field. Thoroughly explore the practical meanings of diversity in the cultural and creative sector, investigate how its different connotations are implemented in practice, and how they are contributing to the sustainability discourse in the field. From education, research, training, and practice – we’ve got your needs covered!
LEARN MORE ABOUT THE CONGRESS: https://www.encatc.org/en/events/detail/2019-encatc-congress/