Annual activity report: what did ENCATC accomplish in 2018?
On 28 Februrary, ENCATC released its Annual Activity Report 2018, presenting the network's activities, accomplishments, facts and figures of the past year.
Over the course of 12 months, ENCATC was directly involved in the design and implementation of 21 events organised in 10 cities in 7 countries. We were very proud to have 17 of these events co-designed with ENCATC members! In 2018, through the ENCATC Label, the network was involved in an additional 6 events organised by its members. These events were held in 8 European cities in 6 countries. All together these 27 events resulted in combined attendance of more than 4,260 participants from 38 countries in 7 world regions.
2018 was also the European Year of Cultural Heritage and as a member of the EYCH Steering Committee, ENCATC could use the label for its heritage focused events (which counted 10) and bestow the label on its members whose events met the application criteria. This resulted in 7 members receiving the EYCH label for 12 activities in 12 countries that attracted 89,258 participants.
In addition to these many events, international mobility of participants, our research activities, and awareness-raising, the network was actively transforming information into knowledge by publishing 1 issue of the ENCATC Journal on Cultural Management and Policy, 2 e- bulletins of the /encatcSCHOLAR as well as newsletters, weekly flashes and piloted a new website "PRAXIS" for students enrolled in ENCATC member institutions.
ENCATC was able to achieve a strong multiplier effect through the dissemination using its own channels, those of our partners, our followers, and more than 200 third party organisations who regularly communicated information about ENCATC and our events. Therefore, we reached more than 2,890,000 multipliers who benefited directly or indirectly from our information.