RICS Co-convenor speed-dating event
OnlineAna Gaio
Director MA Global Creative Industries, City, University of London, UK
I have worked and researched in the cultural and creative sector for over 25 years, in the UK and internationally. In my time as an academic at City, University of London I have taught, researched and have until recently led the MA in Culture, Policy and Management, a pioneer degree in the world (since 1974) in this area of studies with ca. 3500 alumni from 100 countries who now operate in the global creative industries. I currently lead the development of a new MA in Global Creative Industries. I have therefore a very comprehensive and deep understanding of the arts/culture and creative industry sector globally, its relevant issues and professions.
My current research focuses on policy agendas (cultural policy), how agendas emerge and the factors that shape policy development. A parallel interest is management perspectives, critical and what one might term ‘alternative’, that address the specificities of creative/cultural work and organisations and reflect Western and non-Western traditions. Working in a very international environment at City, I am equally interested in all issues pertaining to the internationalisation of arts/cultural management education. I was also part of the team that developed the UK’s Creative Industries Mapping for the UK’s Department of Culture, Media and Sport in 2001, which provided a blueprint for creative industries development in many other parts of the world. I have recently co-edited with Łukasz Wróblewski (WSB, Poland) and Ellen Rosewall (Lemoyne, US) a Special Issue of ‘Sustainability’ (journal) dedicated to Sustainable Cultural Management which has also been published as a book.