Participatory Governance in Culture: Exploring Practices, Theories and Policies. DO IT TOGETHER.
Rijeka, CroatiaThis conference from 22-24 November is being organised by the Kultura Nova Foundation, a member of ENCATC. It will gather scholars, researchers, theoreticians, cultural operators, artists, practitioners, activists, policymakers and decision-makers from across the world and a broad range of disciplines to reflect, discuss and collectively engage on the issues of participation, collaboration, sharing, responsibility, decision-making and governance.
Registration is open to attend the conference "Participatory Governance in Culture:
Exploring Practices, Theories and Policies. DO IT TOGETHER."
conference, to be held from 22-24 November, 2017 in Rijeka, Croatia.
Conference programme scheme is available here.
To obtain the lowest rate you need to register until 15th October, 2017. Take
the opportunity of early bird registration now and save money. Conference
registration fee includes all sessions, artistic programme, conference’s
materials and meals (refreshments, lunch and dinner). The tickets are available
at and at authorized
Eventim sales outlets. For registration and ticket purchasing please follow the
instructions listed at the conference web site. After 15th of October 2017
the tickets will be available at the regular fee.
The topic of participatory governance is becoming important due to the fact
that traditional public governance and market-oriented governance systems have
increasingly proven inadequate to respond to the complex realities of policy
challenges and ongoing transformations in the socio-economic environment,
encompassing the needs of cultural professionals and artists, audiences and
local communities. The Conference intends to cover a number of issues and
concerns about the challenges, limitations, paradoxes and perspectives that
cultural research, practices and policies are more and more facing around the
concept of participatory governance in culture. In order to understand the
meaning and role of participatory governance in culture, it is important to
explore: changes in the socio-political context, cultural and social effects of
new models of governance, modes and levels of involvement of all relevant
stakeholders in decision-making processes and the (re)organization and
relevance of their roles.
Therefore the
conference presents an interdisciplinary effort in collecting new information,
discussing various practical, theoretical and political approaches and meanings
of participatory governance in different geopolitical and social contexts and
generating new ideas for integration of these practices into the existing
framework of cultural and other relevant policies.
The international and interdisciplinary conference is organised by Kultura Nova
Foundation, in partnership with Rijeka 2020 LLC, collaboration with European
Cultural Foundation, with the support of Central European Initiative regional
intergovernmental forum and has been selected as an ENCATC
labelled event. The conference is a part of the "Approaches to Participatory Governance of Cultural
Institutions" project supported by UNESCO’s International Fund for Cultural Diversity.
If you have any further queries please do not hesitate to contact