How to Get Things Done and Be More Productive

Brussels, Belgium

Anne-Françoise Gailly

Coach, consultant and trainer

Anne-Françoise Gailly is Director of Heo sprl. German scholar and a linguist, Anne-Francoise spent the first years of her professional experience as a parliamentarian attached to the Brussels Parliament and the Parliament of the French Community. After an experience as an Office Management Assistant in a European association, she had the chance to help set up the first environmentalists cabinets in the federal government. For 4 years as Secretary of the Cabinet Office of Magda Aelvoet she coordinated an organization of 85 people, both in terms of human resources as well as finances and logistics. After she served as Director of Human Resources at the Hospital Brugmann (3,500 employees). In 2007, as an independent she launched the creation of Heo sprl. Since then she divides her time between interventions in companies, her coaching firm and therapy. In her practice and interventions she combines the Transactional Analysis Resources, Mindmapping, the Neuro-Cognitive and Behavioral approach, NLP, EFT, TAT, Get the Light, the Provocative Energy Technique (PET ) and Matrix Reimprinting.