How to benefit from the Strategy 21? Education, research & policy applications


Ana Schoebel

CHARTER Expert Advisory Board Member; Former coordinator of the Strategy 21 MOOC (CoE)

Ana Schoebel has worked for the Spanish Ministry of Culture since 1989 as textile conservator, advising museums and private collectors, and teaching at several heritage masters. She is also the author of numerous specialised articles in textile research and conservation. Since 2014 she was the national coordinator of the European Heritage Days and the European Landscape Convention. This work led her to the Council as secondment, to work as Manager of the European Heritage Strategy for the 21st Century in 2017/18. Since her recent retirement, she works as a freelance consultant for the CoE as lead expert and coordinator of the Strategy 21 MooC and author of the Strategy 21 Methodology. She is also involved in several European projects such as the Sector Skills Alliance CHARTER and H2020 SoPHIA.