Holland House
Brussels, BelgiumThe meeting place for Dutch (and not only) professionals in Brussels is at the same time a working space and a cultural centre.
To discover another unique cultural place in Brussels, we invite you to a networking event, at the Holland House in Brussels. The Holland House aims to be the location for countless initiatives by members and partners. It enables Dutch people in Brussels to easily find each other, meet and exchange experiences.
Since 2020, The Holland House, no longer serves only for meetings of members and their guests, but also appeals to a wider audience and allows them to participate with a challenging programming on art and culture. The idea is to contribute to the introduction, dialogue and promotion of Dutch art and culture in Belgium, and in Brussels, the seat of the institutions. of the European Union. Orange Art House (Holland House Brussels VZW) received a contribution from the Dutch Embassy in Belgium for the organization of the exhibition 'New Space(s)' Orange Art House is not a gallery space, not a white cube. It is used as a physical space by the members and guests of Holland House Brussels. They move in the different corners and rooms, act and leave traces. The concept of 'new space(s)' also symbolizes the intermezzo caused by the corona crisis, in which artists, entrepreneurs, employees, politicians and lobbyists are forced to take a stand.
Organised by ENCATC in partnership with the Creative Europe Desks Vlaanderen in the framework of the very successful Cultural Happy Hours initiative, this gathering will be once more a unique occasion for you to learn, network and set up connections with colleagues based in BXL and beyond.