GDPR applied to the non-profit sector: How to be compliant by May 2018?

Brussels, Belgium

When the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) goes into effect on 25 May 2018, it will change the landscape of regulated data protection law and the way that companies collect personal data. Make sure you and your organisation are prepared. At this ENCATC Breakfast gain an understanding of what GDPR is, how it will affect the work of your management and communication staff, what the requirements entail, and what you need to do be ready and compliant.

On 25 May 2018, the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulation, “GDPR” will be operational, followed by the expected “e-Privacy Regulation”.

Your organisation/interest group has now less than 6 months to assess the (non-) compliance of the way personal data is being processed and to take and implement the necessary measures, policies, and any other actions to ensure an adequate protection of personal data in full compliance with the strict requirements of the GDPR.

To help you on this important process, we have invited two experts in data protection, one from Brussels and one from Paris, to give you a clear overview of the impact of the GDPR  and provide you with all the clues you need to know taking into account the specificities of the non-profit sector. They will combine an overview of this important regulation, and what it means for the management of private data by your organisation, with a detailed training on the questions you need to check and take care of.  This change is not only an important binding legal framework for your organisation; it may be also be an opportunity to reassess how you manage all your databases and the privacy concerns around them. 


This learning offer is designed for management and communication professionals in non-profit organisations and in particular: European networks, cultural organisations and institutions, regional and national representations as well as anyone who is concerned by the General Data Protection Regulation. 


"The ENCATC Breakfast training sessions are most useful and have a long-lasting impact. I have gained a critical view on global cultural values and my experience has encouraged me towards a more holistic approach in international cultural cooperation and intercultural dialogue. Next to these useful experiences, at ENCATC Breakfasts I am given the opportunity to meet new people with like-minded spirits to learn.” - Gudrun Heymans, Creative Europe Culture Desk Vlaanderen

 "The ENCATC Breakfast training is an excellent way to start your day. You get the chance to meet people in an informal and friendly environment and this is a great moment for networking. The training I attended about Brainstorming lasted one morning, was conducted in an efficient manner, and the practical case study perfectly complimented the training. I would warmly recommend the ENCATC Breakfast training." - Patricia Simonart, Press & PR Assistant, BRAFA – Brussels Art Fair

 "The ENCATC Breakfast meeting I attended was time well spend. I arrived at my office in the afternoon with new ideas, inside information and valuable contacts to follow up on. What better way to start the day?" - Arjen Gerretsen, UNESCO Liaison Office in Brussels

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GDPR applied to the non-profit sector: How to be compliant by May 2018?
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