ENCATC Members Talks - How can we become better in audience development?
OnlineYannis Koukmas
Director of Audience Development and Participation, Elefsina 2023, Greece
Yannis Koukmas is a Social Anthropologist (Aegean University) with a postgraduate degree in Modern European History (University of Athens) and Cultural Management (Hellenic Open University). He has been working at the Ethnological Museum of Thrace since its foundation in 1998 with main responsibilities the strategic planning, audience engagement and development, volunteer education, communication-social media, organising international conferences, seminars, workshops and events, and fundraising. He is a member of the Greek section of the ICOM (International Council of Museums), member of the Board of the Greek Oral History Association, as well as one of the founders of the Oral History Group of Alexandroupolis. His research interests include cultural policy, cultural management, audience development, memory, oral history and migration.