ENCATC Members Talk - Digital skills and community needs: key competences for future cultural heritage professionals


Elena Borin

Elena Borin is an Associate Professor at Link Campus University in Rome, Italy. She holds a Ph.D. in Economics and Doctor Europeus and her PhD thesis on "Public-Private partnerships in the cultural sector" won the 3rd ENCATC Research Award on Cultural Policy and Cultural Management and the IUSS Best Thesis award. She is member of Scientific Committees of several academic programs and international committees working on the themes of sustainability and the cultural and creative sector, among which the university network “Routes Towards Sustainability” and the international summer school "After the Damages”. Her most recent articles address topics related to partnership, funding and sustainability published by the Journal of Cultural Management and Policy, Journal of Intellectual Capital, Urban Design and in the Springer FGF Studies in Small Business and Entrepreneurship. Her research interests include international cultural governance, multi-stakeholder partnerships, funding and financing for the cultural and creative sector and CCIs in the sustainability paradigm.