ENCATC International Study Tour
Tokyo, JapanDates: 5-9 November 2018
City: Tokyo, Japan
Registration: Academy: (ATTN! Registration to the Study Visits is separate).
- Academy: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/encatc-academy-on-cultural-policy-and-cultural-diplomacy-tickets-46560941028 (ATTN! Registration to the Study Visits is separate).
- Study Visits: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/encatc-international-study-tour-to-tokyo-tickets-46528959370 (ATTN! Registration to the ENCATC Academy is separate).
Deadline to register: 1 November 2018
- Academy: €210.88 – €294.75 (The fee does not include transportation, subsistence, accommodation or any other costs incurred to participate in the programme.)
- Study Visits: €158.46 – €326.20 (The fee does not include transportation, subsistence, accommodation or any other costs incurred to participate in the programme.)
Lunches and dinners: When indicated in the programme, these are at the expense of the participant.
Accommodation suggestion: Mitsui Garden Hotel Otemachi, 2-1-2 Uchi-Kanda, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, 101-0047