E-Learning Platform for Cultural Heritage Management


Christophe Guiho

Artistic and production director, Territoires imaginaires

Artistic and production director of the nonprofit association Territoires imaginaires, created in 2012 and dedicated to enhancing territories through artistic and cultural approaches : La Nuit des Pêcheries, L’Eau de là, etc. 

After having experimented fun and participative approaches around the exhibition Les Anneaux de la Mémoire in Nantes, Christophe Guiho moved in Dunkerque (northern France). He created the pedagogical service of the very first Port Museum in France. Back to Nantes in 2005, Christophe Guiho designed and organised two biennial events alternately: Les Rencontres du Fleuve (a travelling festival about the arts and the environment) and La nature pourrait vous plaire!, with artistic and unusual discoveries found in nature. In 2011, he is in charge of the eco-festival approach of Les Envies Rhônements in the Camargue. Then 2 years, he assured the artistic direction of the Spot Festival dedicated to Nantes’ youth in the public space before returning to the worlds of water.