Cultural heritage education and training: What are the curricula and occupations that will shape the future of the sector?


Conor Newman

Senior Lecturer, Archaeology Department, University of Galway

Graduate of University College Dublin (1984); Masters degree 1986; Awarded NUI Travelling Studentship 1987 and studied in Italy, France and the UK; director Discovery Programme Tara Survey 1992-96. co-director of the Columbanus: life and legacy Project (PRTLI4 and Andrew Mellon Foundation) and member of the International  Scientific Committee of Making Europe: Columbanus and his legacy. He is  is co-director of the module SU407 Introduction to Art in Ireland, NUIG Summer School. Conor is a vice-president of UNISCAPE (a network of over 50 European universities committed to landscape education and research, and delivery of the European Landscape Convention). He co-edited the proceedings of UNISCAPE's 2013 conference Landscape and Imagination: towards a new baseline for education in a changing world (Paris) and its 2016 conference Landscape Values: Place and Praxis (Galway). Conor's research interests are in landscape and kingship studies, early art and iconography, and heritage studies. He has worked extensively on the royal landscape of Tara, Co. Meath, Ireland.