Cultural heritage education and training: What are the curricula and occupations that will shape the future of the sector?


Marzia Piccininno

Cultural Policy Expert at Fondazione Scuola dei Beni e delle Attività Culturali

Marzia has a background in archaeology and digitisation of cultural heritage. She joined the Italian Ministry of Culture (MiC) in 2002 as a project manager for EU funded projects on digitisation policies and in support of Europeana, the European infrastructure for digital cultural heritage. Now she works at the Fondazione Scuola dei Beni e delle Attività Culturali as culture policy expert. Her experience includes policy advice for digitisation programmes, education and training on cultural heritage, organisation, networking and workflow facilitation of digital cultural heritage collaborative projects across museums, libraries, and archives. Marzia is part of CHARTER's Working Package 3: Vocational Education and Training and beyond.