Crowdfunding for Culture

Brussels, Belgium

Isabelle De Voldere

Project leader of Crowdfunding4Culture

Isabelle De Voldere is an expert in the field of "Competitiveness and Innovation". She specialises in sectoral and regional competitiveness, industrial organisation and the contribution of knowledge and creativity to economic development. 

Isabelle De Voldere completed her studies in Business Engineering at the K.U.Leuven, where she specialised in international business. After completing her studies, she worked at the Vlerick Leuven Gent Management School for seven years, where she took part in a wide range of projects on European integration and enterprise strategy, foreign investments in Belgium, the creative economy and the creative sectors. She has worked for clients such as the European Commission, the Flemish government and cross-sector organisations. Since 2008, Isabelle de Voldere has been working at IDEA Consult. She is the project leader of Crowdfunding4Culture, a EU funded pilot initiative whose aim is to make crowdfunding more accessible to creative professional and cultural organisation. She will facilitate the workshop together with Kleitia Zeqo on 17 February 2017.