Being fit for the job: working with higher education institutions
OnlineWhat do cultural administrations need to be “fit for the future”? Who are future cultural leaders and strategical managers?
The Eurocities working group on ‘Resources and partnerships’, led by the city of Espoo, identifies strategic resourcing opportunities and responds to the emergence of new governance and partnership models.
In 2023 the working group is set to exchange knowledge and local innovative experiences on three topics: Future leadership, Strategical leadership and Cross sectoral collaboration.
Episode no.2 of the series, coming up on March 30th, will focus on “Being fit for the job: working with higher education institutions”. It will bring together the perspective from professionals from higher education and those training future cultural leaders.
On this occasion ENCACT and Eurocities have teamed up to bring together the city administrations’ and the higher education perspectives.
The overall objective is to strengthen local cultural ecosystems and to train people according to local needs.