Art Brussels 2017
Brussels, Belgium36th ENCATC Cultural Happy Hour explores the world of Art Brussels
On 21 April in Brussels, 24 guests discovered the world of Art Brussels, Belgium’s leading fair, which continues to build on its profile and track record as one of “Europe’s foremost discovery fairs”, as stated in the New York Times. Welcomed with an introduction by the fair’s Head of VIP Relations, Marie Vander Elst, guests learned how Art Brussels brings something different to the international art fair practices by privileging solid artistic content and profiling surprising artistic practices which one does not see at other art fairs. To see first hand, Cultural Happy Hour guests had a private guided tour to discover the highlights among the more than 140 internationally established galleries coming from around the globe. The CHH guest list included artists, practitioners who were joined by representatives of UNESCO, the European Parliament, the European Commission, and regional authorities. The tour of Art Brussels included many of the galleries presenting outstanding booths in the art fair's PRIME section and some museum-quality presentations in the REDISCOVERY section. Together with the DISCOVERY section, this mix provides the necessary equilibrium a fair needs between the young and upcoming and the renowned and recognised.