9th ENCATC Working Group on Evaluation

Lucca, Italy

Johan Kolsteeg

Assistant Professor, Department of Arts, Culture and Media Studies, University of Groningen, The Netherlands

Johan Kolsteeg is Assistant Professor, Department of Arts, Culture and Media Studies, University of Groningen.

In 2019, Kolsteeg is involved in the project Performing Sustainability, supported by the DAAD with funds from the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), working with West African PhDs and staff members on the topic of cultural entrepreneurship.

Also in 2019, Kolsteeg initiated a research project in cooperation with the province of Drenthe and local cultural organisations to develop a method for evaluation of cultural productions for special target groups. Publication is expected in 2020.

With Quirijn Lennert van den Hoogen (Groningen University), Kolsteeg is researching the conceptualization and operationalization of the notion of regional identity in the northern Netherlands cultural policy. The first results have been published in Ruimte. De Noordelijke Regio en het Cultuurbeleid (in Dutch).

His research interests are organisation theory in culture, cultural leadership, communication about art in relation to consumer culture theory. 

Publications: https://www.rug.nl/staff/j.a.c.kolsteeg/research