7th Annual ENCATC Policy Debate “What role for Brussels and its cultural institutions in the EU strategy for culture external relations?”
Brussels, BelgiumPresentatio
Culture is a powerful tool to build bridges between people, and reinforce mutual understanding. It can also be an engine for economic and social development. Culture can help us to stand together to fight radicalisation and build an alliance of civilisations against those trying to divide us.
So what can be the role for Brussels and its cultural institutions to stimulate relations with third countries in the world? Can this soft power support the recent European strategy for cultural external relations? In other words, what role can artists play to promote the image of Brussels, as a Capital of Europe, and foster intercultural dialogue inside and outside this Region? How could the international relations policy of the city of Brussels and its cultural institutions affect the tourism presence in BXL?
On the 27th of September policy makers, academics, cultural managers and operators, artists and other key stakeholders, challenged by Prof. Annick Schramme, ENCATC President, to answer some of these questions.
With: Mattia Agnetti (Executive Secretary at Fondazione Musei Civici di Venezia, Italy), Patrick Bontinck (CEO of visit.brussels, Belgium), Leen De Spiegelaere (Coordinator of Brussels Kunstenoverleg, Belgium), Frédéric Meseeuw (Institutional adviser, BOZAR, Belgium) and Walter Zampieri (Head of Unit: Culture policy and intercultural dialogue, DG EAC, European Commission).
Moderator: Annick Schramme (ENCATC President)