6th ENCATC Policy Debate "European Cultural Leadership and the role of the artist"
Brussels, BelgiumThe 6th Annual ENCATC Policy Debate on 22 June in Brussels, will be the occasion to discuss cultural leadership development in a European context, from theoretical, contextual and pedagogical perspectives.
The 6th Annual ENCATC Policy debate on the 22 June in Brussels, will be the occasion to discuss cultural leadership development in a European context. Leadership in the cultural sector is mostly associated with big cultural institutions, although a lot of innovations are coming from smaller cultural organisations and from the artist. The artist is sometimes an organisational leader, but may sometimes lead in other ways. Leadership is intimately connected with change. Leadership by artists in other contexts will inevitably reflect the kinds of creative tactics and strategies that keep us moving and responsive. The focus on leadership of artists opens up a complexity around leadership and takes the discourse beyond organisations, skills and competencies.
This policy debate wants to put the attention on the different dimensions of cultural leadership and will be an opportunity to discuss with policy makers about the role policy plays in supporting European cultural leadership and what can be done to address the 21st century challenges to make Europe’s cultural sector sustainable through strong influence and direction.
This major European event is designed for those who have a stake in policy issues and/or are interested in capacity building and the multiple pathways for leadership development in the cultural sector; for those who are involved in teaching and learning and wish to incorporate leadership into their practice; interested in expanding professional contacts in Europe and fostering contacts for future collaborations.
By bringing together different actors and players, this policy debate will foster reflection and stimulate a crucial dialogue on the multiple ways to deal with future leadership in the cultural sector. Moreover, it will serve as a source of inspiration for all those having a stake in ensuring the future viability of the European cultural sector.
Target: cultural operators and professionals, academics, researchers, students, representatives from European institutions, artists, media, anyone interested in this topic.
A day of European Cultural Leadership
The 6th Annual ENCATC Policy Debate is being organised in the framework of a day of European Cultural Leadership which will also include a presentation of the European Cultural Leadership - the Fika project, as well as the launch of two publications!
Practical information
Admission is free but registration is required by 20 June 2016 ( via this link )
- Venue: ARTS 56 - Avenue des Arts 56, 1000 Brussels
- Time: from 10h00 till 13h00
- Admission: This event is free of charge.
- Language: English