6th ENCATC International Study Tour to the Emirates
Abu Dhabi Mar 14 > 15 2017 // Dubai Mar 16 > 17 2017, United Arab EmiratesHadrien Dubucs
Associate Professor in Geography, Head of Department of Geography and Planning, Paris-Sorbonne University Abu Dhabi (UAE)
Hadrien Dubucs is associate professor at Paris Sorbonne University in Geography and Urban Planning department where he teaches urban studies and migration studies. He is a member of ENEC research center (CNRS-Paris Sorbonne) in charge of the urban issues and is a board member of the journal GĂ©ographie et cultures. His fields of interest are the North-North migrations and their urban and social impacts, and the biographical approach in migration studies. Graduate from Sciences Po Paris, he holds a PhD in geography from University of Poitiers (Migrinter research center). He participated in an ANR research program on circular mobility in Europe (MEREV, 2007-2011) and managed a commissioned by Paris City Hall research program on Ethnic food shops in Paris (COMET, 2012-2015). Since august 2016 he has been heading the department of Geography and Planning at Paris Sorbonne University Abu Dhabi.