3rd International Research Conference on the Cultural and Creative Industries
Antwerp, BelgiumIn Antwerp, an important conference focused on the changing dynamics between creative industries, knowledge institutions and urban policy
The conference was organized by Antwerp Management School, the University of Antwerp and HKU University of the Arts (Utrecht). This conference taps in to the changing dynamics between creative industries, knowledge institutions and urban policy. Moreover, this scientific conference is addressing various sectors of the arts and cultural industries (performing arts and festivals, heritage, museums and visual arts, film production and distribution, book publishing, recording, broadcasting, audio-visual media and multimedia, design).
Targeting academics, researchers, cultural managers, artists, policy makers, students and also the wider public, this moment is an excellent opportunity to meet and exchange with other CCI stakeholders and expand professional networks.
Download the programme (PDF, 1.83 Mb)
This conference is a cooperation between the University of Antwerp, the Antwerp Management School and the HKU (Utrecht) and can count on the support of Flanders DC, City of Antwerp and ENCATC, the leading European network on cultural management and cultural policy education.