2nd ENCATC Working Group Meeting on Evaluation
Brussels, BelgiumThis meeting was devoted to mapping the expectations of the community institutions vis-à-vis EU programmes (Creative Europe, Erasmus +, Horizon 2020, etc.), in particular the DG and the Executive Agency. ENCATC invited Mr. João Delgado from the European Commission to present the mid term evaluation of Creative Europe.
On 24 April, ENCATC organised the second meeting for its Working Group “Evaluation of International and European Transnational Cultural Projects". 25 participants from Belgium, the Czech Republic, France, Germany, the Netherlands, Sweden, and the United Kingdom were welcomed in Brussels. ENCATC Secretary General, GiannaLia Cogliandro Beyens, opened the meeting and presented the day’s programme devoted to understanding the expectations of the community and institutions vis-à-vis EU Programmes (Creative Europe, Erasmus +, Horizon 2020, etc.). As a special guest, Mr. João Delgado from the European Commission presented the mid term evaluation of Creative Europe. Continuing the focus on evaluation, the programme also included presentations on Horizon 2020 by Emanuela de Menna, Policy Officer - Cultural heritage, DG Research and Innovation, European Commission; Creative Europe by Fiona Deuss-Frandi, Project Adviser, Creative Europe, Education, Audio-visual and Culture Executive Agency, and the Global Grand Central platform by Marcus Haraldsson, Project Leader. The Working Group is being led by ENCATC member, Pascal Bonniel Chalier from University Lyon II in France. The WG will gather for the third meeting to be held on 25 May in Lyon alongside the European Lab Forum 2017. Registration is still open for those interested to participate.
Key questions
- How do experts evaluate?
- What are the indicators identified by the Agency?
- What does the Creative Europe evaluation report say?
Several members of ENCATC
are involved in the evaluation of European projects subsidized by Creative
Europe, Erasmus+, Horizon 2020 or other transnational programmes of the
European Commission. They have to develop methodologies to help arts and
cultural managers to implement the evaluation process.
In October 2015, ENCATC members gathered in Lecce, Italy at the occasion of the
23rd General Assembly during which a workshop was held on “Monitoring and
Evaluation” on international and European projects and on indicators for the
evaluation of the impact of European networks. This new working group answers
to the request of these ENCATC members to set up a working group to have the
possibility to continue the discussions and exchanges on methods and good
Following the call for applications launched to members and followers on 25 May
2016, 40 applicants expressed their wish to be part of the working group. Led
by ENCATC member, Pascale Bonniel Chalier from the University Lyon II in
France, the aim is to gather academics, researchers, and cultural
practitioners. This strong diversity of disciplines and backgrounds profiles
enriches the group’s work as evaluation becomes more and more a crucial matter
for public authorities and professionals in cultural field.
On 25 October 2016 in Brussels, ENCATC held the group's kick-off meeting
gathering 16 invited guests from higher education, cultural organisations and
EU institutions to: (1) better understand the priorities of the Creative Europe
programme in relation to the evaluation of both transnational cultural projects
and European networks; (2) share evaluation experiences of transnational
cultural projects subsidized by EU (Creative Europe programme and Eramsus +);
(3) improve our current evaluation methodologies for International /
European cultural projects and networks; and (4) identify rigorous indicators
for successful cooperation and share them with EU and international institutions.