2nd ENCATC Capacity Building Days and Youth in Action Day
Prague, Czech RepublicBlanka Chládková
Associate Dean, Janáček Academy of Music and Performing Art
Blanka Chládková is Associate Dean, Janáček Academy of Music and Performing Art. She specialises in culture policy, strategy management, quality management, research methodology, festival and event management. She is constantly looking for the answer to the question about the role of an art manager in the artistic team and hopes that new established ENCATC Thematic Area ”Performing Arts Management” could help to answer it. Blanka Chladkova is vice-dean for development and external relations of DIFA JAMU since her nomination in 2008. She is involved in ESF (Operational Programme Education for Competitiveness) development projects also as an member of the arbitration. She represents her faculty in international networks ENCATC, ELIA as well as in the representative body of the Czech higher education institutions Council of Higher Education Institutions. Blanka Chladkova guarantees the performing art section within the pilot project of the Registry of Artistic Projects and Achievements and is member of several projects focused on the evaluation of culture institutions.