2022 Young and Emerging Researchers Forum
Antwerp, BelgiumMarcin Poprawski
Dr Marcin Poprawski } senior lecturer & researcher at HUMAK University of Applied Sciences (FIN); formerly at AMU University of Poznan - Institute of Cultural Studies (PL); guest lecturer: Sibelius Academy - UniArts Helsinki (FIN), Universita del Salento (Lecce, Italy) and ZHAW (Zurich, CH); Expert of the Association of Polish Cities (PL), European Expert Network on Culture (Barcelona/Brussels) and of the NU Foundation (PL). Member of the editorial board of The Journal of Cultural Management and Cultural Policy (Transcript V.). Since June 2023 involved in EKIP Horizon Europe Research Project (European Cultural and Creative Industries Policy Platform) as the Finnish Team's Manager and Researcher
// Research & teaching interests: organisational cultures in cultural, art and heritage institutions / festival management models / cultural policies / audience engagement / culture & sustainability / arts management & entrepreneurship / aesthetics in management studies.
He was involved in several research projects, e.g.: study on audience engagement for the European Commission (Fondazione Fitzcarraldo – Turin) and the E+ Knowledge Alliance project 'Connecting Audiences' (UDeusto - Bilbao) or European Research Partnership on Cultural and Creative Spillovers (ECBN Rotterdam), Festivalisation of values. Axio-normativity of Music Festivals (Adam Mickiewicz University / National Science Centre PL). Since 2013, he was twice elected Vice-president of ENCATC network. As the Association of Polish Cities representative, he is the co-leader of the research group of the SMUP 2 - TGR9 (Culture) of the nationwide (EEA funded) project on Monitoring System of Public Services in Poland.
He was also a co-founder and a director of the Guitar Academy Festival – an international music festival located every summer since 2007 in over 20 towns of Western Poland. He did an internship in the Centre for Cultural Policy Studies, University of Warwick (UK) in 2012. He was a Director of the AMU Audience Development Postgraduate Diploma and the Director of AMU ROK Culture Observatory research centre - Poznan, PL. He was a guest lecturer at DAMU Academy of Performing Arts in Prague (CZ), JAMU Janacek Academy of Music and Performing Arts in Brno (CZ), EUV - Frankfurt O. (D), Heritage Academy of the International Cultural Centre (Cracow, PL). He was a Deputy Dean of the AMU Faculty of Social Sciences (2016-2019)