2016 ENCATC Young Researcher's Forum

Brussels, Belgium

Jacques Bonniel

Professor Emeritus, Université Lumière Lyon II, France

Jacques Bonniel is a Doctor in Sociology, former CNRS researcher and former Master of Sociology Lectures at the University Lumière Lyon 2, and has targeted his interventions on the analysis of cultural practices and policies, both in research and studies in education (initial and continuing). In 1988 he founded and continues to coordinate the Master turned professional Master 2 "Development of international artistic and cultural projects." He teaches cultural development issues in several universities in France and abroad as well as training for professionals and public officials. In partnership with the University of Arts in Belgrade, he created a Master "Management policies and cultural projects in the Balkans." Founding member of ENCATC (the European network on cultural management and cultural policy education), he chaired for several years as continues to be an active member. He has organised international conferences on cultural policies of towns and cities, cultural activity in the suburbs, cultural development. Mobilized by public authorities - Administration of the State (DRAC, DRAF, ARS, ...), Cities, Provinces, Regions, Nature parks, he was invited to share his expertise with urban planning agencies, prospective units as in cultural associations and professional unions. He also publishes articles in specialized cultural magazines.