2016 ENCATC Young Researcher's Forum

Brussels, Belgium

Daniel Gad

UNESCO Chair in Cultural Policy for the Arts in Development, Department of Cultural Policy, University of Hildesheim, Germany

Daniel Gad is Managing Director of the UNESCO Chair in Cultural Policy for the Arts in Development at University of Hildesheim since 2012. In 2014 he had been the head of management of the VIII. International Conference on Cultural Policy Research (ICCPR2014). Since 2014 he is member of the International Journal of Cultural Policy’s list of reviewers. Since 2014 he is member of the Cultural Policy Task Group of Arterial Network, Cape Town in South Africa. Since 2014 he is member of the U40 Network "Cultural Diversity 2030" (coordinated by IFCCD and the German Commission for UNESCO). In 2013 he finalized his PhD entitled “The Art of Development Cooperation. Concepts and Programs of a Foreign Cultural Policy of the Nordic Countries” with summa cum laude. From 2006 until 2011 he had been busy with various project attendances, commissioned studies and conference management as a freelancer for the German Development Service (DED), the German Commission for UNESCO, the Church Development Service (EED), Goethe- Institute, Heinrich-Boell-Foundation, Institute for Foreign Cultural Relations (ifa), Institute for Church and Society, Pan y Arte and others. Since 2003 he is a freelance musician. Professionalizing the arts sector in the MENA region Abstract The UNESCO Chair at the Department of Cultural Policy of the University of Hildesheim in 2017 is about to launch two activities which aim to offer teaching and knowledge exchange in the field of cultural policy and management which have a close relationship to the MENA region. Lead by Al Mawred Al Taqhafy an Beirut based pan-Arabic network institution the Master study programme "Cultural Policy and Management" will be opened at Hassan II Unversité in Casablanca, Morocco in collaboration with the Hildesheim UNESCO chair as a first university based programme in the whole region. At the same time the first edition of the Arts Rights Justice Academy will be organized at the Hildesheim Kulturcampus in Germany as part of a collaborative structure with partners such as the International Cities of Refuge Network reaching out to regional partner such as Al Mawred Al Taqhafy or Racines based in Casablanca, Morocco